Separate letters from a word (solved)


  • Posts: 112
Hey guys does anyone know how to separate letters from a word. I want to get the letters from a word and set a text attribute to the letter.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 06:45:03 pm by LadyLegend »


  • *
  • Posts: 2720
Use this block:
It returns part of the given text, given the starting and ending indices. More specifically, this block returns the characters beginning with the start index and ending with one less than the ending index.
I'm spanish, excuse me for my bad English.
I'm not a private teacher. Please, post your questions in the public forum.


  • Posts: 1115
And remember that indexes start on 0. A six-letter word would be indexed from 0 to 5.  ;)