Hey Folks,
It's a little late posting it, but at the weekend I developed WORMBALL, a pinball snake mashup using Stencyl. Here's the brief, GIF heavy summary of development:

Basic Ball and Flipper Mechanics. (Originally set out to build a pinball game with tower defence mechanics).


Whilst creating particle trails, made a worm. Enthusiasm explodes for the project.

Added some bumpers and googly eyes that follow the player, as well as the beginning of collectables that the worm can eat.

Added a spawn, score, stamina for the paddles (To stop the hoarding of collectables) and made the bumpers release pellets.

Added decals and an overlay - Failed miserably to implement a camera that panned in time with the height of the player smoothly.

Opted for a static camera, added health and hunger, along with portals. Opted for a more modest less blinding font.

Switched the collectables to a more distinct colour, added icons for hunger and life. Added worm shake, title page and controls.

Added decay to the brain bumpers to reduce the torrent of collectables, added instead poppable spots and harsher paddle stamina.

Other than that, I've got a
tablet version working and just need music and sound doing!
If you're interested in finding out when WORMBALL is released, keep an eye on my Twitter feed:
https://twitter.com/alexvscoding Once the browser version is released, I'll be taking the phone/tablet version further with more levels and mechanics, as well as building a custom cabinet to play the game with.