The winners have been announced!


  • Posts: 215
Don't even worry about what someone said. I trust that your game was made in Stencyl because I have been toying with various isometric prototypes for two years in Stencyl. One of my more recent ones from ~6 months ago or so had fading "foreground" objects to allow for you to walk behind things and still see your character.

Shame on the person for doubting what Stencyl is capable of.

Cool! So are the obstetrical tiles or actors? Any chance you got this game online? I know its just a work in progress but I love to check out any Isometric games on Stencyl.


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
I think I overwrote that one at some point. I use actors most of the time. In the infinite labyrinth one (below), I used math to see if I could make a much bigger game without needing collision actors.

One of my first tests for isometric movement in a mobile game using touch instead of joystick:

Car racing: (made in 1.5 hours)

Infinite labyrinth using math instead of collisions (on the bottom side of the path):

Not exactly isometric - made in 48 hours for LD so didn't have time to flesh out graphics:

Looks like top-down now, but will be isometric eventually: (map created during adventurejam)


  • Posts: 215
I think I overwrote that one at some point. I use actors most of the time. In the infinite labyrinth one (below), I used math to see if I could make a much bigger game without needing collision actors.

One of my first tests for isometric movement in a mobile game using touch instead of joystick:

Car racing: (made in 1.5 hours)

Infinite labyrinth using math instead of collisions (on the bottom side of the path):

Not exactly isometric - made in 48 hours for LD so didn't have time to flesh out graphics:

Looks like top-down now, but will be isometric eventually: (map created during adventurejam)

The car one looks like it could be quit fun, I always wanted to make a game like that. I wish the next jam could be about racing so it could motivate me to make something.


  • Posts: 215
I think I overwrote that one at some point. I use actors most of the time. In the infinite labyrinth one (below), I used math to see if I could make a much bigger game without needing collision actors.

One of my first tests for isometric movement in a mobile game using touch instead of joystick:

Car racing: (made in 1.5 hours)

Infinite labyrinth using math instead of collisions (on the bottom side of the path):

Not exactly isometric - made in 48 hours for LD so didn't have time to flesh out graphics:

Looks like top-down now, but will be isometric eventually: (map created during adventurejam)

Just made a quick car game concept if anyone is interested.