I've gotta say, I'm pretty surprised that my game Skelly didn't get any special recognition. Definitely put a ton of effort into it, but maybe that's just my own personal bias speaking. Perhaps if I had been able to complete everything I had planned for the game, I would've had better luck.
That being said, congrats to all the winners! House was one of my favorites -- more of a horror than spooky if you ask me, but I guess that counts too.
As has been the case for the past few jams, the judging process is entirely independent of Stencyl. Occasionally there may be surprise exclusions, but keeping the judging independent ensures that the process is fair and unbiased.
As others have said, the entry pool was noticeably stronger this time and the winner pool was expanded out from 3 to 5 because of that.
I'd personally like to thank everyone who participated for making this jam a success. The entries as a whole were more thoughtful and well crafted than we've seen in the past, and we'll be promoting them over the coming weeks over social media.
We'll definitely try to run jams more frequently and are thinking about holding an end-of-year jam with a similar format and timeframe.