Draw text incrementally


  • Posts: 3
I have a game developing that has text dialog boxes popping up, thanks to the tutorial by The Indie Station, but i cannot figure out how to get the text to display incrementally. That is, i want it to appear as if the text is typing, not just all drawn at once.  I have only been using Stencyl for a few weeks, so I am probably missing some obvious approach.


  • Posts: 278
Check out the Dialog Extension by Justin. It does the whole RPG-style, letter-by-letter typing really well. It's very versatile and customizable.


  • Posts: 3
i have been unable to install the extension for some reason. and since i have a sufficient system in place, i was hoping to add this function to it.


  • *
  • Posts: 2263
for 1 line, you can use this:


However, things get more complicated when doing multiple lines, or when you also want to remove the characters one after another


  • Posts: 3
Thatll be a great start, either that or til i can get Diaolg Extension working properly. Thanks!