I would like to code an if Actor ID Kylee 13 is in region X:13 Y:13 please


  • Posts: 205
Code: [Select]
Haxe is similar to ActionScript and JavaScript.         Want to use native code or make something reusable? Use the Extensions Framework instead.     http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/engine-extensions/         Learn more about Haxe and our APIs     http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/haxe/ */ package scripts; //========================================================== // Imports //========================================================== import com.stencyl.graphics.G; import com.stencyl.behavior.Script; import com.stencyl.behavior.Script.*; import com.stencyl.behavior.ActorScript; import com.stencyl.behavior.SceneScript; import com.stencyl.behavior.TimedTask; import com.stencyl.models.Actor; import com.stencyl.models.GameModel; import com.stencyl.models.actor.Animation; import com.stencyl.models.actor.ActorType; import com.stencyl.models.actor.Collision; import com.stencyl.models.actor.Group; import com.stencyl.models.Scene; import com.stencyl.models.Sound; import com.stencyl.models.Region; import com.stencyl.models.Font; import com.stencyl.Engine; import com.stencyl.Input; import com.stencyl.utils.Utils; import nme.ui.Mouse; import nme.display.Graphics; import motion.Actuate; import motion.easing.Back; import motion.easing.Cubic; import motion.easing.Elastic; import motion.easing.Expo; import motion.easing.Linear; import motion.easing.Quad; import motion.easing.Quart; import motion.easing.Quint; import motion.easing.Sine; class Design_3_3_ extends ActorScript {                   //Expose your attributes like this:     //@:attribute("id='1' name='Display Name' desc='An Attribute'")     //public var attributeName:String;     //Need further help? See: http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/code-mode/     @:attribute("id='1' name='FavoriteNumber' desc='Add a number please' default='17'")         public var _FavoriteNumber:Float;     override public function init()     {     }          public inline function update(elapsedTime:Float)     {     }          public inline function draw(g:G)     {     }         public inline function AddHere1(AddHere2:AddHere3)         {         }               //==========================================================     // Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing     //==========================================================          public function new(dummy:Int, actor:Actor, dummy2:Engine)     {         super(actor);         nameMap.set("FavoriteNumber", "_FavoriteNumber");                 _FavoriteNumber = 17;                 nameMap.set("Actor", "actor");         if ((_FavoriteNumber == 17))         {                   actor.setXVelocity(4);         }         addWhenUpdatedListener(null, onUpdate);         addWhenDrawingListener(null, onDraw);                 Add Here     }          public function onUpdate(elapsedTime:Float, list:Array<Dynamic>)     {         if(wrapper.enabled)         {             update(elapsedTime);         }     }          public function onDraw(g:G, x:Float, y:Float, list:Array<Dynamic>)     {         if(wrapper.enabled)         {             draw(g);         }     }         public function AddHere4         {                 if(wrapper.enabled)                 {                        actor.setXVelocity(4);                 }         } }

^ please read all up above code very very carefully, thank you :)

I know Stencyl block stuff 6 out of 10 good.

However I would love some Stencyl coding help please, thank you ;)

If I want to both code and make in code
Actor ID Kylee 13 in region X:13 Y:13
then regarding up above code
what should I change
each of the following 4
My name is Jason & (and) I am from N. USA & I live in N. USA & I was born in N. USA
http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,31002.new.html#new < awesomest Stencyl suggestions ever.


  • Posts: 1795
Without indenting, it will be very difficult to read your code.
Write your code on multiple lines and put it back here so we can read it properly.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1115
Jason, seriously, if you want handwritten code all the way you're probably in the wrong place with Stencyl.  Find a system with main focus on written code. ;)


  • Posts: 205
Cool thank you all :)
My name is Jason & (and) I am from N. USA & I live in N. USA & I was born in N. USA
http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,31002.new.html#new < awesomest Stencyl suggestions ever.


  • Posts: 205
Can coding of if Kylee 13 Actor ID
is in region X:13 Y:13 something happens still be done?
My name is Jason & (and) I am from N. USA & I live in N. USA & I was born in N. USA
http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,31002.new.html#new < awesomest Stencyl suggestions ever.