Fixes for iOS testing/publishing issue and new Stencyl build


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  • Posts: 2263
Hey guys, so allot of you (inlcuding me) had some issues with exporting or testing iOS games since that Siera came out (the latest Mac OS). I was strugling with this as well, but the fix was actually pretty simple when you know what to do.

Here are the things that worked for me:
- xCode 8.1
- Stencyl 9279 or higher

If your current Stencyl build is older then 9279, make a BACKUP(!) of all your games by exporting them to your desktop. Once you have done this, here is what worked for me:

- Remove Stencyl from the Applications folder
- Remove xCode from the Applications folder
- Download and instal xCode8.1 from the appStore (this takes a while, but to be sure, don't install anything else while this is doing it's thing!)
- Download the latest Stencyl build (9279 or higher) place it in the Applications folder, and un-zip it. You might notice that you cant open Stencyl by clicking the Stencyl logo, this has something to do with Apple's security. To fix this, just drag the Application out of that folder to your desktop, ad simply place it back (Dont make copies or shortcuts!). Open Stencyl to see if you have the correct build by checking the Mobile Settings tab! (Thanks Justin!)
- Go to your Apple's developer page, and look for your Team ID (this is NOT the same as your team name!). You can find it here: > account > membership
copy and paste this into the iOS Team ID field under the Mobile Settings tab.

I dont know if the next steps are required, but I did them anyway to be safe:
- I removed the old games from the Welcome Center and replaced them with my backups
- Run > Clean project > Test Game (iOS device)

This is what it took for me to do. The only thing I havent mentioned is that I upgraded my Mac to Siera right before I updated my xCode and Stencyl build. I dont think this is required, but I thought I let you know in case non of the above things work. Be carefull tho! If you decide to upgrade, you can expect some Applications not to work anymore. In my case this is my Screen Recording Software, so now you also know why I have been silent on YouTube ;)

One final thing, when you did all the things before and you are considering to upgrade to Siera, let us know about your errors. First check if another user hasnt had the same error before. Only if you cant find a topic on THE SAME ERROR, create a new one yourself. Please DO NOT use this topic to tell us about your errors, otherwise it will clog up for the rest.

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Once my Screencap softare works again, I will turn this into a video tutorial for those who prefer visual aid. But in the meanwhile I would like to ask you to check out my channel anyway, and consider subscribing =)
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