Solutions for the extra activities


  • Posts: 2

For a few weeks i've been teaching Stencyl to a group of 12-16 year olds. It's al going fine, of course using the curriculum provided by Stencyl. But...i've been skipping a few of the extra activities for some i just can't figure out myself. And i can't seem to find the (precise) solutions anywhere. I feel a bit like a noob, and i am :)

Is there anybody who has saved these solutions/projects and can help me out?

Thanks! All the best.


  • Posts: 2
3 weeks later...Not even a reply from the Stencyl team? I've also send an email.



  • *
  • Posts: 1632
You can post in the  "ask questions" forum. It will surely have an answer there.

You can also go there where there is live support. USually there are plenty of people.

"For Live Support: Join our discord channel and ping me @justin."


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
Also, a lot of the Stencyl activities were made by Richard Sneyd, not specifically Stencyl itself. Check in the materials, there might be a way to contact Richard directly.