My name is Oliver and I'm producing a new set of Video Tutorials for Stencyl - the main reason is that I came across some difficulties as I started to learn the language and decided to work on tutorials as a way to get concepts clear in my own mind. I hope this is the correct place to share links etc. - if not, maybe someone could tell me the correct place / procedure.
Crash Course 2 - this seems to be a stable diet for most novices so I've put together 23 videos starting at what I think is the very beginning and ending up looking at the 3 challenges. These can be found in this playlist on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwmsT_c4rTUYEEPM_EFBrUOeQeX_sZ8l_ Right now I'm working on more tutorials on different aspects of the language itself (rather than working on a gaming example) and these are being placed in a playlist called 'Stencyl - Beginners Reference' and can be found at:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwmsT_c4rTUZdiWCphO5VD-wOd2KdN3EkSo far I've worked on Lists, Behaviors and CodeBlocks and have tried to put each one in context within a gaming scenario.
It is very easy to assume that some concepts are self-explanatory or to leave out some key piece of information that leaves the learner screaming at the cat and generally frustrated - I have no doubt that I am as guilty in this respect as the next. So, any and all feedback would be very much appreciated - also, if you have a specific problem area that you would like a tutorial produced to explain it - just let me know and I will see what I can do for you. [You can post comments here on on YouTube - I'll answer both]