The usual Grand Prix, VS and Time Trials modes.~16 Courses for These modesA deathmatch mode, possible mini games.~5 arenas for these8 PlayersAchievements and high scores, as well as ghost data.~10 itemsPossibly Online Multi-player~16 Karts with Colour customisation
- Cocoa Islands [PASS 1 DONE]- Indoor Warehouse [PASS 1 - MAY REVISE]- Sky- Generic Race Course- ANOTHER Generic Race Course- Forest- Stadium- Dirt Stadium- Highway/City- Beach- Snow [PASS 1 - NEEDS NAME]- Volcano [IN PROGRESS]- Mountain/Cliff- Undersea- School (mitadake high?)- Space station- Mars (?) NO.
Kart Cup:- Generic Race Course- Cocoa Islands- Indoor Warehouse- Mountain/CliffCloud Cup:- Snow- Forest- Stadium- SkyFlame Cup:- Volcano- ANOTHER Generic Race Course- Beach- Dirt StadiumWorld Cup:- Highway/City- Undersea- School- Space station
Classic - Jetter - BiTurbo Mk2 -
1. Title Screen2. Main Menu3. Customize Kart4. Start Race5. Generic Race Course & ANOTHER Generic Race Course 6. Cocoa Islands & Beach7. Indoor Warehouse, Highway/City, Stadium & Dirt Stadium 8. Sky & Mountain/Cliff9. Snow10. Forest11. Volcano12. Undersea13. School14. Space Station15. End of Race ~ First Place16. End of Race ~ Above Average Rank17. End of Race ~ Below Average Rank18. End of Race ~ Bad Rank19. Intermission (Above Average Rank)20. Intermission (Below Average Rank)21. Deathmatch22. End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Bad Rank)23. End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Average Rank)24. End of Grand Prix (In The Top 3)25. End of Grand Prix (First Place)26. Ending Credits