

  • Posts: 1046

2D racing done right.
Circyt is an iOS 2D racing game being developed by me with music contributions from KungFuKirby. The release date schedule is going a little like duke nukem forever right now.

Quote from: My original plans
The usual Grand Prix, VS and Time Trials modes.
~16 Courses for These modes
A deathmatch mode, possible mini games.
~5 arenas for these
8 Players
Achievements and high scores, as well as ghost data.
~10 items
Possibly Online Multi-player
~16 Karts with Colour customisation

Quote from: Courses
- Cocoa Islands [PASS 1 DONE]
- Indoor Warehouse [PASS 1 - MAY REVISE]
- Sky
- Generic Race Course
- ANOTHER Generic Race Course
- Forest
- Stadium
- Dirt Stadium
- Highway/City
- Beach
- Snow [PASS 1 - NEEDS NAME]
- Volcano [IN PROGRESS]
- Mountain/Cliff
- Undersea
- School (mitadake high?)
- Space station
- Mars (?) NO.

Quote from: Cup Organisation
Kart Cup:
- Generic Race Course
- Cocoa Islands
- Indoor Warehouse
- Mountain/Cliff

Cloud Cup:
- Snow
- Forest
- Stadium
- Sky

Flame Cup:
- Volcano
- ANOTHER Generic Race Course
- Beach
- Dirt Stadium

World Cup:
- Highway/City
- Undersea
- School
- Space station

Quote from: Karts
Classic -
Jetter -
BiTurbo Mk2 -

Quote from: Music by KungFuKirby
1. Title Screen
2. Main Menu
3. Customize Kart
4. Start Race
5. Generic Race Course & ANOTHER Generic Race Course
6. Cocoa Islands & Beach
7. Indoor Warehouse, Highway/City, Stadium & Dirt Stadium
8. Sky & Mountain/Cliff
9. Snow
10. Forest
11. Volcano
12. Undersea
13. School
14. Space Station
15. End of Race ~ First Place
16. End of Race ~ Above Average Rank
17. End of Race ~ Below Average Rank
18. End of Race ~ Bad Rank
19. Intermission (Above Average Rank)
20. Intermission (Below Average Rank)
21. Deathmatch
22. End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Bad Rank)
23. End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Average Rank)
24. End of Grand Prix (In The Top 3)
25. End of Grand Prix (First Place)
26. Ending Credits

Hey, is it just me or is KungFuKirby a little ahead of me? :P

Platform Trouble:
After performance struggles with Flash (only my i7 PC ran the game at full 60 fps) I have decided to ditch it and go with iOS, however this means I currently cannot develop the game because iOS is currently incredibly buggy and refuses to compile even the racing kit. If there is a performance breakthrough on the flash side (like addition of the molehill GPU accel by adobe) then I will develop a flash version alongside iOS for users to play for free (?)

The Ideas of this Game:
Mario Kart has always been one of my favourite games, so this game is basically a glorified fan-game with many a twist. The main things I wanted in this game when I started developing it were powerful Online Multiplayer features and a game that you will want to pick up and start playing on impulse. I have not achieved any of these goals yet, as to achieve the latter I need to add a lot more polish and features to make the environments brim with life and the game seem more immersing. For the former, I may go out of my way to learn how to create multiplayer using actionscript and a simple database server but that may prove to be difficult and beyond my ability and timeframe.

I will write up more soon.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 05:41:08 pm by Rhys »


  • Posts: 1046
Just wanted to summarize everything important so far in this post so I don't lose it upon switching forums.


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Or an iPod Touch, since they're sold cheaper.
Game developers are the deities of the virtual realm.
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or an iPad because they're... well, bigger?
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.

Wonko the Sane

  • Posts: 19
I bet if you made a Flash version now, my computer would run it at a full 5 FPS! Still, I was looking forward to this on Flash, too.
Wow! A signature! How fascinating! How amazing! How- *falls asleep*


  • *
  • Posts: 487
The original music listing is not entirely accurate... there is a slight change since the original tracknames were up there. Plus, I've got plenty more tracks: they could all be found on the original Racing Music topic.

Here's the whole kit and kaboodle for my music, jingles included. I've got a grand total of 26 planned, and 19 of them are done. I've got one new track here, and another five more are almost ready.

1. Title Screen
2. Main Menu
3. Customize Kart (brand new!)
4. Start Race
5. Generic Race Course & ANOTHER Generic Race Course (marked here as Outside) (Important note: Street/Suburbs is no longer a course. This was meant to be used for that if it were to be made. There was also a Mars course that I never planned on because it had a question mark on it, so I wasn't sure about planning on it.)
6. Cocoa Islands & Beach
7. Indoor Warehouse, Highway/City, Stadium & Dirt Stadium (marked here as Factory)
8. Sky & Mountain/Cliff
9. Snow
10. Forest
11. Volcano
12. Undersea
13. School
14. Space Station
15. End of Race ~ First Place
16. End of Race ~ Above Average Rank
17. End of Race ~ Below Average Rank
18. End of Race ~ Bad Rank
19. Intermission (Above Average Rank)
20. Intermission (Below Average Rank)
21. Deathmatch (I'll probably just have one theme here.)
22. End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Bad Rank)
23. End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Average Rank)
24. End of Grand Prix (In The Top 3)
25. End of Grand Prix (First Place)
26. Ending Credits

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 02:26:15 pm by KungFuFurby »
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


  • Posts: 1046
Thanks for the correction KungFuKirby, I'll update the listing accordingly.


  • *
  • Posts: 487
I'm still keeping this going via my musical contributions. ^_^

I've got everything except for the ending credits and the school tune done... and maybe some extra Deathmatch themes, though right now I'll only stick with one unless requested.

End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Bad Rank) (AKA basically a Game Over tune)
End of Grand Prix (Below 3rd ~ Average Rank)
End of Grand Prix (In The Top 3) (Opening/Loop)
End of Grand Prix (First Place) (Opening/Loop)

The opening for the last two tunes are basically little jingles for when you get your trophy. ^_^
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


  • Posts: 1046
Wow - these are brilliant! Thanks so much. I'm sorry I can't get around to working on this, it's just that iOS export is currently unworkable and even the kit won't compile yet.


  • *
  • Posts: 1259
Great work KungFuFurby -- you're definitely the go-to-guy for Stencyl game music as far as I'm concerned!


  • *
  • Posts: 487
You know, you could always start with Flash just to test the game and get going on your courses when you have that inspiration to make the courses. I'd still be willing to give it a shot despite all sorts of technical difficulties that it's been going through throughout its development. ^_^
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games