What do you think of my project?

lucas ferreira

  • Posts: 27
my game Crystal Rush

I put some stages that remind the famous Diamond Rush.
I want to create 90 stages with 3 different worlds.

<iframe type='text/html' width='600' height='520' src='http://www.stencyl.com/game/embed/35662' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>


  • *
  • Posts: 207
Oh I like it a lot! I think you have created some excellent stages. My only suggestion would be to improve the graphics if possible. Great work, all in all!

lucas ferreira

  • Posts: 27
Thanks a lot for the suggestion, I might try to improve the graphics and the correction of other bugs. :)


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
Hey really nice! I like the variety in the levels.

Some tweaks would be a bit more polish, like a death animation when I hit an enemy, right now it just fades and I can actually still see the character moving during the fade. Also adjust the collision boxes, I died to a bat but it didn't look like I hit it to me. The jump feels a bit weak, maybe a little more force in it.

Its fun, and quite difficult. Im not sure how good an idea 90 levels is. If you want to practice your level design then go for it, but you will find people have a very short attention span, most people (like me) will just play the first 5-10 levels then feel the have a good understanding of the game and move on.

I would stick to 10-20 levels and really polish them, make it a fun experience with an ending then fire it up on Newgrounds and GameJolt. Then move on to the next project.

lucas ferreira

  • Posts: 27
Many thanks for the suggestion, and really 90 level would be a bit tiresome, but I intend to launch smaller versions and for mobile a bigger, I have to improve the collisions, I'll look at the jump too, vlw by the tips.

lucas ferreira

  • Posts: 27
I am very happy with my progress in stencyl. :D


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
Good work! keep it up!


  • Posts: 3
Good game! Too bad i suck! Haha
You should add WASD moves too!
Keep the good work :D


  • Posts: 534
i had not a single second the feeling, that i have the control about this player guy.   Excuse me, I don't want to offend you. I just want to give honest criticism. Thank you! I'm sure with a bit more "love" for this project you will make a fine game soon based on this version! Good luck !!