You've been pushing for that for a long time. There are a couple of local developers in AL, USA creating their own engines because they do not like current engines. Guri, if you do not like Stencyl not having lua and cocoa, then why not make your own engine? You can't compare something made in $82 billion USD Google to $70,000 USD Stencyl (don't know the actual figure, but that is the valuation that I found for 2014). That's like the people asking why they don't implement Pokemon GO functions into Stencyl.
These were just my ideas. I insisted on it because maybe I not have expressed it right.
And the comparison that I made, was that Stencyl is better than Blockly. Nothing related with billions. Because I doubt they invested billions in Blockly.
I like the Stencyl editor, I only do not like of framework.
About making an Engine, I'm doing the Plurality. In github I put the main idea once.
Now here it already has a built-in server (I use the google chrome engine), already has a built-in code editor (I use Ace editor), it creates, copy and writes files with PHP, use Json as Database, uses javascript as a scripting language, Twitter Boostrap as layout. And the program itself edit itself, because the pages are HTML and PHP. And the HTML5 games is simulate in the program itself, because this is a server, browser, site, editor, etc.
And the block system is missing, because it maybe be better to create from scratch than to use Google blockly.
About compile to Desktop, Mobile, etc, after having the code, this I can compile in any other program, while I do not have all it integrated in this engine.
Anyway, I still need to create at least one block that does "Hello World" on the screen with different frameworks. Before that, this can not even be considered a prototype of engine.