Puff (Featured in App Store)


  • Posts: 1018
Awesome! Will add it to the featured games thread shortly.
If I helped you at anytime, help me back build my twitter followers :)


  • Posts: 1018
If I helped you at anytime, help me back build my twitter followers :)


  • Posts: 76
TAP! posted a tips and tricks video for Puff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5qKyaVZK2A&t=1s #indiedev

Pocket Gamer has a review: http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/iPhone/Puff/review.asp?c=73093



  • Posts: 42
This is one of my new favorite Arcade Style games  8) ! Love the graphics and everything runs so smooth! Great Work. I love all of your other games too
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My Games: Jump Jump Fruit IOS


  • Posts: 1018
That's a pretty cool mechanics!! I've play good enough hours by now to explore things!! Hope you are aware that the game is featured in Indian appstore also!

Sent you a PM ;)
If I helped you at anytime, help me back build my twitter followers :)


  • Posts: 252
Congrats for the banner feature! I didnt know you are the guy who developed High Dive, Walls & Balls and Slap Shots! I played long time these games :)

Puff is a cool game. Exactly my type. I'll send some worldwide records in couple of days i think!


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
He had asked me to remake High Dive in Stencyl. I thought he just wanted to clone the game so I declined. He then told me that he is the developer and wanted to switch over to Stencyl :)

Needless to say, I felt stupid lol


  • Posts: 76
Thanks everyone! I collaborated with Alex (Narcissus) on this one so he gets mad credit!


  • Posts: 1018
He had asked me to remake High Dive in Stencyl. I thought he just wanted to clone the game so I declined. He then told me that he is the developer and wanted to switch over to Stencyl :)

Needless to say, I felt stupid lol

Haha! Good one! So are you doing finally? :D
If I helped you at anytime, help me back build my twitter followers :)


  • Posts: 76
@bhoopalan responded to PM. Sorry, I generally don't check in there that often!


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
Haha! Good one! So are you doing finally? :D

No, we chatted briefly about working on another project in the future.


  • Posts: 1018
@bhoopalan responded to PM. Sorry, I generally don't check in there that often!

Thought so since you seem still new to Stencyl. That's why posted here. Nothing to be sorry about :)

@ceosol: Cool!
If I helped you at anytime, help me back build my twitter followers :)


  • Posts: 76
Honestly @bhooapalan, I find the message system very cumbersome here. Makes no sense to me! Feel to shoot me an email as well if needed; can be found on my site.