Some sort of zooming extension


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  • Posts: 2416

This is a wonderful extension -- thank you for making and sharing it. I would love to implement it in my game as it can solve all the problems with the shader zoom I had previously been using ... but there is one important problem that seems unresolved ... the text on the HUD layer comes out very jagged when you use the Draw on HUD block. On top of that, when the numbers on my HUD change they now draw on top of each other, rather than replacing each other like they used to.  It's really very unfortunate, as it renders this whole wonderful extension unusable without a fix, which is a real shame. The HUD is too important to sacrifice for a special effect.  Do you have any plans to fix this so we can use your extension? The people have been clamoring for a solid zoom effect in Stencyl for a long time and it's like ... oh man, right there ... if only . . .  :)

Are you drawing words or just numbers? I used the zoom in my last game and just used actors for the numbers in the hud.


  • Posts: 278
I am drawing numbers only (plus an 'x'), and I realized last night lying in bed that I could use actors to display the numbers (and then I could tween them and do fun things with them as a bonus), but my question to LMT still stands:  Why not just go the last 10% and thoroughly debug the extension so that it's not just fantastic but also easy to use? It's been 5 months since this was released for testing and this HUD text bug was brought up by Liberado on the day it was released back in February ... this extension is wonderful and I am very grateful to LMT for making it and sharing it, he owes me nothing, but it does appear to have been stopped at 90% completion and a somewhat tedious workaround for everyone could be avoided with some debugging.

(Also, if LMT wants to share a paypal link, I would love to donate something to it.)  ;)

« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 10:32:28 am by BMJ »


  • Posts: 278
Another important problem -- the extension has a print statement left in it that slows the game down during testing because it floods the log with "hello" ... which is kind of sweet of you but is also a bit of a drag on framerate during testing ... :P


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  • Posts: 2416
it also looks like its broken in stencyl 3.5. So Stencyl zooming was a brief shaky existence, would love to see this feature built into the engine.


  • Posts: 278
On the upside, I've discovered that drawing the text to an image attached to the HUD works just fine, which is considerably less tedious to program than using an actor instance for each character (though less fun/versatile) ... but the log flooding with "hello" and being broken in 3.5 are definitely both still big problems . . . :/


  • Posts: 43
Sorry to bring this topic back from so long ago, but I felt posting this as a whole new topic might not be of much use...

Trying to use this extension in 3.5, I got quite a few errors initially and have solved most of them except this one. I tried a couple things to no avail. Any clue? If you happen to know what I can do about this I'd love to solve it. I do understand though this wasn't meant for 3.5, so if it's an unfixable issue or anything then so be it. Just hoping to implement this sweet extension. Thanks!


[haxelib] /Users/ariakbari/stencylworks/engine-extensions/Zooming Utilities/Zoom.hx:150: characters 2-24 : has no field canvas

« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 08:21:34 pm by ariakbari »


  • Posts: 88
Maybe the field (variable) 'canvas' was removed or changed?

I know the more recent builds of Openfl (in particular 2018 builds), were reintegrated to make lime the universal backend.


  • Posts: 2
is this extension going to be updated for 4.0 like LetMeThink promised? I really need it for my game.


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  • Posts: 2720
@LetMeThink, any news? I also need this extension for my games.
I'm spanish, excuse me for my bad English.
I'm not a private teacher. Please, post your questions in the public forum.