3.4.0 (Final) - February 14, 2017


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
After a long series of betas, 3.4.0 is finally out!

Get it now

See this page for the list of changes.

Changes since Beta 5
Code: [Select]
(b9300) Tile size is now correct when importing above 1x scale (issue #680).
(b9299) Origin points are now updated when saving actors (issue #378).
(b9298) Modified the image instance blend mode block to clarify that it is flash only (issue #460).
(b9297) Fixed blur transition by forcing pixel size to 15.
(b9296) Help text for random integer block now correctly says that both numbers are inclusive (issue #469).
(b9295) The scene designer no longer changes default zoom based on web scale.
(b9294) Changed "transparency" to "opacity" in the set joystick transparency block (issue #703).
(b9293) Fix: Can't compile with fonts.
(b9291) Fix for b9289 startup error.
(b9288) Fix: Creating a background and later applying scrolling/parallax works now.
(b9287) Fixed shader uniform uResolutionUs (the 1x Stencyl resolution).
(b9286) Fix: Updating behavior properties causes the classname to use the wrong ID.
(b9285) Fixed an issue with spin tween and setting actor direction (issue #407).
(b9284) Fixed issue with slide tween and setting X/Y of an actor (issue #407).
(b9283) Removed android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS and android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS from Google Play Games AndroidManifest.xml (http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?issue=678.com3723#com2398)


  • Posts: 210
After a long series of betas, 3.4.0 is finally out!

Get it now

See this page for the list of changes.

Changes since Beta 5
Code: [Select]
(b9300) Tile size is now correct when importing above 1x scale (issue #680).
(b9299) Origin points are now updated when saving actors (issue #378).
(b9298) Modified the image instance blend mode block to clarify that it is flash only (issue #460).
(b9297) Fixed blur transition by forcing pixel size to 15.
(b9296) Help text for random integer block now correctly says that both numbers are inclusive (issue #469).
(b9295) The scene designer no longer changes default zoom based on web scale.
(b9294) Changed "transparency" to "opacity" in the set joystick transparency block (issue #703).
(b9293) Fix: Can't compile with fonts.
(b9291) Fix for b9289 startup error.
(b9288) Fix: Creating a background and later applying scrolling/parallax works now.
(b9287) Fixed shader uniform uResolutionUs (the 1x Stencyl resolution).
(b9286) Fix: Updating behavior properties causes the classname to use the wrong ID.
(b9285) Fixed an issue with spin tween and setting actor direction (issue #407).
(b9284) Fixed issue with slide tween and setting X/Y of an actor (issue #407).
(b9283) Removed android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS and android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS from Google Play Games AndroidManifest.xml (http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?issue=678.com3723#com2398)

Will Stencyl ever come
line breaking
My name is Jason & (and) I am from N. USA & I live in N. USA & I was born in N. USA
http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,31002.new.html#new < awesomest Stencyl suggestions ever.


  • Posts: 51
Nice work Stencyl!  :)

btw: If you launch newest build (at least on windows) and after that click about stencyl, it still says beta 4 on windows that opens :P


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
Yay, finally! Thank you Stencyl Team! Great job :) !


  • Posts: 376
I found the stage width/height for my project at -1. What happened? Thanks, BTW.
Edit: Found it! It was the "canvas" scale settings of my project!

« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 06:01:21 pm by Mineat »


  • Posts: 76
Hi thanks for the update.

I'm running Mac OS High Sierra and can't get test my games on Stencyl. What can I do? I saw similar posts in the forums but I couldn't find and answer.

Hope you can help me.


  • Posts: 379
When is 3.5 being made public.


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
When is 3.5 being made public.
Wondering about this too. That last public beta was  Build 9300 - February 14th, 2017. That was over a year ago.
We are in July 2018. Any news on this?


  • *
  • Posts: 2891
The engine upgrade brought about more problems than expected, and there are still bugs that are being worked through. It's incredibly difficult to predict when all the kinks will be worked out and when it'll be ready for a public release.


  • Posts: 379
ahh makes sense.