Nice. A very polished game. Excellent graphics, as always.
Thank you LIBERADO.
it is my first trying in girls games, could be better actually
Really fun ( for 5 minutes like all dress up games
) I liked the way you could combine part of dresses with each other. How long did it take you to make this game ?
Thanks! yes, for 5 minutes, but I hoped that the game will have bigger play session than usual dress up game, but probably it was my fault because girls need something more simple, and don't needs any challenge ( this is a hint for all others who wants to make girls games)
About working time, not sure, I made it in free time last 6 month, and big part of the time was creating new features for Y8 api adapting it for HTML5 and fixing touch controls.
But the game itself takes about 1-1.5 month, too much for this kind of games. The drawing system there is too complex, because needs animations and than analyzing feature that gives money for the dress quality.
And was hard to make drawing without bugs, as long as every dress there consist from 25 parts
And by the way I found that HTML5 can easy handle 30 or images at the same place, while flash stats to glitch after 20 imagges