Hi there, i am very new to stencyl and im hoping the problem i have is a simple one and any help would be much appreciated.
In a nutshell im just making a test level to see how i get on with stencyl. Im attempting to make a side scroller, the scene is 3 times wider than the default, i have used tiles and the actor mambo from stencyl forge. Now where im having the problem is that as soon as the camera scrolls with the actor, i lose all collision detection with tiles further down the screen and i just fall straight through them. i Have tried turning on continuous collision detetcion in both the scene and the actors own properties. I have also tried adding a "when created event enable continuous collision detection" to both the actor and the scenes events tab. I have tried all of the above individually and all at the same time too and no combination of either is helping me. Any help would be great as untill i get this fixed i have no chance of even making a simple side scroller.
Thanks very much in advance