The Contender (Featured by Apple New Games We Love)


  • Posts: 76
So feedback has been pretty solid for my new game The Contender: Fight of the Century, so I am moving the release date up to April 13th. Touch Arcade just previewed the new official game trailer today. You can check it out at the link below. Cheers!

« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 03:53:21 pm by frostypop »


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
Love that banner!


  • Posts: 1018
haha.. looks beautifully funny!!
If I helped you at anytime, help me back build my twitter followers :)


  • Posts: 42
Looks cool, I always was a fan of boxing games (Fight Night Champion anyone?), anyways looking forward to the release.
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My Games: Jump Jump Fruit IOS


  • Posts: 76
haha.. looks beautifully funny!!

Cheers! Playing with someone else is pretty funny (two player mode).


  • Posts: 76
Looks cool, I always was a fan of boxing games (Fight Night Champion anyone?), anyways looking forward to the release.

Thanks! @colburt187 has a much cooler "real" boxing game in the works. Keep a lookout!


  • Posts: 76
The Contender: Fight of the Century is coming out this Thursday. :)


  • Posts: 76
Game is out now. Will update with any possible features when App Store rolls over tomorrow. Thansk!


  • Posts: 325
Great! I try it now!


  • Posts: 76
The Contender featured in App Store this week. :) Thanks everyone!

Oh, and it looks like next to another Stencyl game! (Sorry Color stack for the crop, congrats!)


  • Posts: 76

Nice little banner and my game Teeter is also featured today. Thanks everyone for your support! Cheers.


  • Posts: 219
Congrats!! Can you share some tips on how to be featured?? ;) ;)


  • Posts: 76
Congrats!! Can you share some tips on how to be featured?? ;) ;)

I think the best thing is make a very polished and unique game. Definitely spend time on refining the visual and interactive elements of the game. You need to be able to stand out in crowd of literally tens of thousands of monthly submissions. Once its approved, send an email to App Store promotions and hope for the best. Always give several weeks of lead time.

Above all, just be polite and kind and patient. :)