iCloud saving?


  • Posts: 193
Hi. Are there any plans to add iCloud saving functionality to Stencyl? I'm making a game that requires the player to slowly level-up, but also let them purchase upgrades with IAPs (or possibly using virtual currency). There's currently no way to let the player carry on from where they left off if the game is deleted, or installed on another device.



  • Posts: 193
Thanks for that. I was really hoping for an out-of-the-box solution for this. Perhaps an extension is in the works?


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
iCloud saving was also on this shopping list http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,50922.0.html

Maybe if enough people are interested then enough cash can be raised for someone to talk on the task a build an extension.


  • Posts: 193
Yes I spotted that. I'd chip in myself but this seems to me to go hand in hand with other Game Center functions. At the moment, there's no way to use virtual currencies in the game to unlock different things and have the ability to restore everything if the game is deleted. So I can restore the currency but not the things that the currency unlocks. Not sure whether that would fail an Apple submission.