Huck 'n Barrel in Huck n Run (working on animations)


  • Posts: 1617
Here is a first run color of huck.. i split the drawing into an atlas of all pieces.. head, hat, arms, legs ect... and  color.   i may try to throw a filter on it.  or a snes pixel filter i found.. or add more detail
it looks kind of cool when i overlay the original drawing over the colored one.. and fade it out

« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 09:27:16 am by squeeb »


  • Posts: 2262
I really like the overlay one. The effect is great.


  • Posts: 1617
I really like the overlay one. The effect is great.
Thank you.. i kinda like it also..  tomorrow ill clean it and break the overlay into an atlas and start animation to see how i feel about it.  :)


  • Posts: 2262
It reminds me a little of Yoshi's Island. I could see that style working really well.


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  • Posts: 2738
I like the art style for the character. I think it'll fit really well. I'm not sure I like the overlay though. The effect is neat, but I think it might clash with the cleaner background and its deemphasized textures.


  • Posts: 1617
It reminds me a little of Yoshi's Island. I could see that style working really well.
I like the art style for the character. I think it'll fit really well. I'm not sure I like the overlay though. The effect is neat, but I think it might clash with the cleaner background and its deemphasized textures.
I appreciate it .  Thank you.  I made the atlas with the overlay.. but took out the shading lines.. it looks way cleaner without them... i think it looks pretty good... almost like using a shader.. i rigged the bones for animation.. ill make a running sequence first and post it and see what you guys think. I am going to finish and publish this one before working on any other projects :p. Ill get a demo up in a week at most.. after the animations and basic gameplay are there.


  • Posts: 1617
Here is the first run animation test for huck.. thoughts?  Ill polish it for sure.. and maybe add some variants in running animations
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


  • Posts: 1617
trying out some filters,
regular, outlined. and a few pixel variants.. thoughts?  id have to run all game art through the filter... but shouldnt be hard to run them through....


  • Posts: 1617
Just getting the positioning down for where the particles will go..and checking for performance... then final animation itterations ...then ill polish the particles.. i think itll look good when done

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


  • *
  • Posts: 1401
trying out some filters,
regular, outlined. and a few pixel variants.. thoughts?  id have to run all game art through the filter... but shouldnt be hard to run them through....

My favourite would be the overlay with outline. It is a bit difficult to say because you place it on a black background which makes it difficult to judge. Taking a look at the videos above i think an outline is was was missing though. I think you want to have a better seperation between character and background.

The animation itself: I think its a good start but i would finetune it more. Legs, arm and tail movement look fine (although there is one jump in the anim?) but i would not tilt the body as much to the left and right. I think it will look more natural if the body move a bit up and down and not so much left and rigght.

Keep up the good work!


  • Posts: 1617
Heres a first run of barrel.  Its a hand drawn image that i split into pieces in photoshop.  I used many layers to color it in.. color, shadow, highlight.. so i can edit them easily... opacity and whatnot..  I can still polish this version..  my software i use lets me animate almost like spine does.  Move pieces of the sprite atlas individually.   . or I was thinking about making the animations the same way, but with only the line work (outline).  And then hand coloring them (colored pencil) and shading the frames individually.. since shadows move? or it would look like this snes yoshi image below.. .. see how the lighting doesnt make sense on the red turtle shell.. or maybe nobody would care or notice.. someone had pointed it out in my pirates game before haha


« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 08:35:58 am by squeeb »


  • Posts: 1617
im going to ditch the hat on the otter.. i like it on the turtle instead.. plus you can tell hes an otter now hahahere is my design for barrel.  he will use the fishing pole like a grappling hook to reach higher places.. as well as attack.. man.. i like the otter idea.. but the more and more i design the game and the turtle.. he has all the cool moves.  fishing pole attacks and grappling.. he sprays the water.. i need something to elevate huck the otter... he'll be faster and have the double jump, ill still have the jar of fireflies for light when needed.. what else for huck the otter?.. hmmm