Is it possible to save to iCloud via a code block?


  • Posts: 193
Hi. Is it oversimplifying things to ask for help with iCloud loading and saving via code blocks? I'm looking for a way to save all game attributes to the player's iCloud (and Google play, eventually). So, at the same point that it saves the data locally, it also uploads the save data for use on other devices. Similarly, if the game is connected to Game Center, it should sync the save data.

Is this functionality planned for Stencyl? It's odd that other Game Center functions are available except this one.

Thanks for any help with this!


  • Posts: 193
Failing that, are there any Stencyl games on the App Store (or Google play)  that allow iCloud saving?


  • *
  • Posts: 329
Nope, Stencyl does not offer that functionality and I'm very salty about it.