Can't Find text.hx


  • Posts: 127

have started down the much travelled road of creating my first engine extension.  So far, I got to grips with HaXe (purely at a novice level I should stress) and have created a simple class file to use as a test for an extension.  I just need to work out how this will differ in the Stencyl environment.

I've seen mention of a sample HeXe file called test.hx but it doesn't seem to have been installed anywhere on PC.  Any idea where I can get a copy?

Also, the documentation mentions a 'test extension' stored in stencylworks folder.  I moved stencylworks to a different drive and am wondering could that somehow have lost some of the extensions because, right now, the only extensions in the engine-extensions folder are ones that I downloaded from the marketplace?




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  • Posts: 4716
There are some engine extensions in the install location of Stencyl, in addition to the ones you have in your workspace. They're found at [Stencyl install]/plaf/haxe/extensions. Test.hx is part of the "test" engine extension.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 127
Hi Justin,

thanks for that info - have found the 'test extension'.

I noticed that there are loads of other things in 'plaf' like neko, lime ... and that put me thinking.  I downloaded HaXe / OpenFl etc from the HaXe org website and set up everything from scratch.  Was that the right way to do it or was there some shortcut through stencyl - maybe a Stencyl SDK with everything included?



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  • Posts: 4716
If you want to use the same setup Stencyl has, set these environment variables.

HAXEPATH is a folder which contains haxe and haxelib executables (plaf/haxe)
HAXE_STD_PATH is a folder which contains the Haxe Standard Library (plaf/haxe/std)
HAXELIB_PATH is a folder which contains the installed haxelibs (plaf/haxe/lib)
NEKO_INSTPATH and NEKOPATH both point to the Neko install (Windows: plaf/neko-win, Linux: plaf/neko-linux, Mac: /usr/local/lib/neko)
PATH should include HAXEPATH
For Mac, PATH should also include /usr/local/bin (for neko)
for Linux, LD_LIBRARY_PATH should include plaf/neko-linux

It's a bit of work to set up, so I'm planning on making it easier to launch external editors through Stencyl, or generate shell scripts that fill in all the blanks for you.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


  • Posts: 127
Hi Justin,

I'm doing some video 'chats' (with myself!) at the moment chartering my bumps along the road, so this information is invaluable to help others get set up.




  • Posts: 127
Hi Justin,

Needless to say - I've hit a wall.

Put in all the system environment changes as you suggested and they worked a treat.

I'm using FlashDevelop and I had to change a couple of settings there to ensure that the Stencyl Shipped SDK was teh one being pointed to.

See attachments:
01 Switch2Stencyl ..... changed both entries here to point to ... haxe in Stencyl (program x86)

At this stage the code compiled just fine but the flash player never started

02 Switch2Stencyl .....  I set this to point to a standalone flash player on my drive J (also tried the flash player shipped with Stencyl).

03 Switch2Stencyl ..... this is a screen shot of build output.  It is using the Stencyl SDK etc, any suggestions of changes that I could make to get it to run the standalone flash viewer?  I realise this is not specific to Stencyl, but any suggestions / comments would help a lot.




  • Posts: 127
OK - Cancel that last post - all I had to do was reboot PC


Over and Out
