Restore Purchases iOS not working? [SOLVED]


  • Posts: 39
I'm having some trouble with the my restore IAP button.   I'm trying to restore buying Disable Ads, but when testing the button it's not doing anything.  I've attached the code for the restore button and the code for the actual button to purchase disable ads. 

In testing, when clicking the Disable Ads, it goes  Sign-In > Confirm Purchase > You've already purchased > Success

Restore button does not work.  I'm using the Stencylpedia iOS In-App Purchases guide.

Any help would be appreciated.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2017, 07:20:16 pm by Jg41095 »


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
What version of stencyl are you on?


  • Posts: 39
What version of stencyl are you on?
I'm on 3.4 build 9328


  • Posts: 38
I'm having a similar problem in that build as well.


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
What I'm noticing is that the restore purchase does work, but there is no confirmation pop up, and I have to close and re open the app for it to take effect.


  • Posts: 39
What I'm noticing is that the restore purchase does work, but there is no confirmation pop up, and I have to close and re open the app for it to take effect.
Doesn't happen like that in my case :\

Would hate to be denied by Apple when I eventually upload my app.   Do you see anything wrong in the blocks?


  • Posts: 39
Update:   This is working fine in TestFlight.