How do I get the coordinates of the collision points between two physics?


  • Posts: 65
I want to make a ninja killing monsters with a knife. But I don't know how to find the coordinates when the knife collides with the enemy What's the way to get a knife in an arc, fan-shaped movement?. Get the point of contact with the enemy's body?

Class type“GetManifold()?”


  • Posts: 65
control Buttons : X,Z,A and Up, down, right, lift.


  • Posts: 2262
See the blocks under COLLISIONS > COLLISION POINTS. Those will get you the XY values.

Getting the sword to swing in an arc will probably require some mathematics, which is a weakness of mine, so someone else can probably help you.

Edit: Just had an idea about the sword. If you set the origin point at the end of the handle (or use another custom origin point if you need) you can then rotate it as you need.


  • Posts: 65
No..This not work!....