The passed days I have been working on the demonstration scenes.
- Combined Meshes
- Lines
- Camera Controller
- Background versus SkyBox
- Tile replacement system
There were some challenges to get it published on all platforms.
I haven't been able to test the new extensions with 3.5 on Android.
Also I can't run/publish to Windows with the latest build.
But older 3.5 beta-versions on Windows and Mac could produce the native targets as well as iOS simulator, Flash and HTML.
(Linux not tested with the latest extensions)
There are some resource issues on a virtual machine running the animated actors.
The 9704 build gives no problems on these resources but the latest releases do: openfl_errors_Error
"Error compiling vertex shader: ERROR: too many uniforms".
So apparently the new openfl/lime set does something to the number of uniforms.
Here is the current Platform1 demo where you can see a Stencyl actor (transparent green block) together with a 3D animated actor.
Both have the jump and run movement behavior attached.
There is a subtle light shift present.