Since you asked I published an Android version. I've put it on all these devices:
The game is made in 480x320.
The Buttons are 'regular stencyl' actors and imported at 4x.
Scale to fit LetterBox .
In the 3D Extension I never use SCALE setting. The only part where I scale is in the binding of the meshes to Stencyl Actors/Tiles.
I use the method: 1 pixel in Stencyl = 1 unit in Away3D.
So if an actor is 32x32 pixels I set the scale to 32 height and 32 width.
I position the camera to align the 2D objects with the 3D objects.
The example I'm showing doesn't use actor binding and the floor is 1000 units by 1000 units. On the Galaxy S2 (480x800 pixels) it roughly 'occupies' the same amount of room/space as on the other devices.
Is this the answer you are looking for? Do you have a specific example you want me to test?!
There is a post on the Away3D Forum where someone said this:
Okay, so it seems that scaling an object that is 1 metre high in Blender by .02 makes it 1 unit high in away3D
I'm not familiar enough with Blender to know what this means... .02 of 1 metre = 20 cm = 1 unit?!? But how many pixels is that?!
I assume that if I have a cube and I position the camera so that it overlaps a Stencyl actor that has 32 pixels on the device then the scaled cube will be using the same number of pixels?! Or is that a dumb idea?!
If you want to have the .apk file to test on an android device you have, please let me know, and I send you the current apk file.
I noticed some errors in some parts of the demo application so I need to investigate that!