In App puchases [iOS]


  • Posts: 235
For clarification, I am using Windows to build the game, and then transferring it using Dropbox to a mac. Is there ANYTHING AT ALL between Windows and mac that would cause this issue to happen? Lord I hate Apple :/
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


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  • Posts: 2416
A good way to debug this would be exporting it as an Xcode project using the way you export a game for TapDaq, then looking at the capabilities in Xcode to see if iAP is enabled and also trying to buy a product while running from Xcode and seeing what the console says.


  • Posts: 235
I built it for Xcode but it wont run because of haxe errors. Says only inline or read only fields can be used in a pattern. This junk is hopelessly broken >:( why doesn't anything work !!
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 235
Thanks for that link it was really helpful as I couldn't run haxelib setup in the terminal because of Apple's bleeping Security Integrity Mode. Like seriously :/ So using haxelib setup [location] works instead. It still won't compile on Xcode however because the linker wont link _gamecenter_prims, _purchases_register_prims and admobex_register_prims whaterever the F those are. I also can't run the simulator from Stencyl. Keeps saying Can't get Application "iOS Simulator". You know Stencyl seems robust on the onset, but when I'm paying $200 a year for this service it better dam well work right out of box. Anyways thank you for all the help u have given so far, but it looks like I'm many sleepless nights away from solving this. I wish I didn't have to rely on the App Review team to debug my entire game. I'm not going to go and buy an expensive overcharged Apple device just to test things. Stenyl needs a serious overhaul regarding their information on using Apple, because frankly it should have these things mentioned in the guide. >:(
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


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  • Posts: 2416
Did you follow all the steps? like going to the capabilities and fixing the game center issue? also when you look in capabilities is iap enabled?

If you request the info for the iap then try to draw the description of the iap does anything show? if not then I don't think stencyl is the issue here.


  • Posts: 235
When I use the request IAP block, and print out the id using the attached black block it is blank. everything is configured correctly, the provisioning profiles have iap enabled. my taxes are in order. I personally don't think Stencyl is to blame, however Apple still has not contacted me after 2 weeks of trying to get in touch with them. the customer support has no means of contacting technical support which sucks. I have no idea what to do, as I still cant actually test using the iOS sim. both stencyl and xcode build a finished version .ipa that the application loader accepts, however there is no way whatsoever to debug the build before submitting for review.
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


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  • Posts: 329
I don't think iap works in the simulator. If you don't want to invest in a testing device, you won't be able to test.

I just checked and the Stencylpedia article lists "A compatible iOS device – In-App Purchases cannot be tested in the iOS Simulator" under requirements.


  • Posts: 235
Ok so there is no way to know what the issue is then :/ guess I'm screwed
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 235
I can't get the simulator to work anyways so it doesn't much matter, and I have followed Stencyl's exact instructions on making the IAP.
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


  • Posts: 235
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop


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  • Posts: 329
Yeah your setup looks fine to me but it doesn't matter what anyone suggests if you can't test it anyway.

Also I see you bumping a whole bunch of threads related to iap, that's all fine and dandy but it doesn't matter what anyone suggests if you can't test it anyway.

(There's a thread where someone says iap works in the sim but not on devices- Apple BRIEFLY made iap work on the sim but later removed the functionality again afaik.)


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  • Posts: 2416
I think the best approach for you would be to test you app vide TestFlight then you could send me a build and I could test it on a device. I would try a build where you disable all other extensions like Admob.


  • Posts: 235
I have a friend currently using the test flight in order to help me, and what we have discovered is that the Stencyl product ID  block. The Black one. in the Product request info succeeds block returns nothing. Only a blank string. And yes I'm bumping threads for IAP, because everyone seems to have things working perfectly except for me. I've been dealing with Apple for over 2 weeks now. I have not got one phone call from them in spite of sending a dozen help requests. The people at customer support are useless because they have no way to contact the review team working at the same bloody company. My game is set to release on Wedsnesday, and I have gotten no where with this issue. Today is a holiday, and so I have only tomorrow to fix the problem. I'm without sleep for days and would like something to work for a change.
Games: Arrow Mania, Breakout/Outbreak, Water Drop