I want to ask the community if anyone has ever successfully made and iOS app that has In App Purchases. My very first App which I made over 3 1/2 years ago went through a literal month of hell during the approval process. I got rejected almost 20 times, had over 50 phone calls with Apple staff. Gathered an entire dictionary of callback numbers, and so on all because it didn't matter what I changed I could not get the in app purchases to work. Using the exact same project, however IAP works perfectly on Android. I have now submitted my most recent game. This is the first time since then that I have had IAP. I never did get the old app to work and eventually opted to just nuke the whole IAP thing all together just to get it approved. Now with my most recent app built in Stencyl 3.4 I figured it was a matter of glitch or that the old version of Stencyl wasn't working correctly. Nope

. Just got rejected on the same basis that the IAP wont work. Asking Apple support for technical help is useless, because they don't endorse 3rd party products. I have followed to a T the instructions given at
http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/ios-in-app-purchases/and have no way to test whether or not the IAP will work before submitting since I don't own an iOS device. I'd like to know if anyone has had the same issue, or better if you've had no issue could you provide the exact means of how to make IAP work. This would be really helpful to ask before I go putting myself through another month of Hell on Earth