Hi all. I'm running my game at 4x scale and currently exporting to flash. The attached image shows the issue I'm running up against. I've made a blank image named "image" via the image api blocks and filled it with black. I then change the pixel at 4,4 to yellow, and finally, create an instance to view the final result.
The image is being scaled up by 4x, which is expected. But instead of a solid yellow block, I have this strange banded pixel thing going on. "A" shows what I'm seeing upon export, and in "B" I'm using red to show the rest of the space I'd expect to be yellow.
If I run the game at 1x, everything looks as it should. Anything higher than that shows a version of this weird banding. Is this normal? Should I be painting pixels differently at a higher scales? Or can I simply not paint pixels at anything higher than 1x?
Thanks a ton for any advice!