Top 3 entries get an iStencyl Pro license! (See Below for Details)
The EntriesSuper Belly Boarder by Aasimar
Iceberg Frenzy by x70x
Lighting All the Way by Rad
About a Snowflake by Satyre
Never Eat Yellow Snow by H1rnz1lla
Merry Christmas by Snails123
Santa Roller by thebigdooz
Santa's Sleigh Ride by pjohnson
The PremiseMake a winter or holiday themed game with iStencyl.
It just has to be a complete game (title screen, instructions, ending screen and the game itself at a bare minimum). You can work with as many or as few people as you'd like.
How to SubmitIf you can publish the game to the App Store, that is the preferred method.
If you can't (because you don't have a license) or don't want to do that, e-mail the source project for the game to istencyl [at] stencyl [dot] com.
JudgingGames will be judged holistically. We'll look at the entire package and assign a rating of 1-10. Each entry will receive a writeup from each judge. We care the most about the fun and secondarily the finish of the game (these are iOS games after all!).
The judges will be myself and several others to be determined. They may be prominent iOS game developers in the broader community outside Stencyl.
EndsJanuary 15th, 2012 @ 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)
PrizesWe'll award a iStencyl Pro license to the
top 3 entries.
If you already purchased one, you can opt for an Amazon gift card.
Eligible EntrantsEverybody except myself and the judges may participate. You do not need to have an iStencyl Pro license to participate.
Other TermsWe may change the contest terms at any time for any reason. When we do this, we'll post a reply to this topic, and the change, like any edit will be timestamped.
If the turnout of legitimate games is lower than a certain threshold around the end of the period, we will alter the contest terms and prizing at our discretion.
The threshold is 10 unique submissions (unique meaning from a different person - the same person submitting 10 times does not count!)