It's been ages, and I have done a couple of things. I wanted to say first of all that I'm considering releasing what I have for AGATH:FV (almost 100% complete) and PT5. I'm thinking of maybe doing a mini-sequel to PT5 since I missed out on using some characters I made for the game (only Chapter 1-6 out of a planned 10 were finished).
A problem I've had with this series is that I have a lot of ideas for lore and out of my very few recent releases (I only released two games last year), I've put in plenty of details and information that don't really have any relevance without any of the proper context from the earlier games I started working on. Other than that, Pixeltail has been almost completely ignored since 2018 along with One Million, and I still have quite a lot to do on some of my other games.
I'm thinking that since whenever I get back into Pixeltail, no one's ever going to play the original Poppytail games and discover some of the early pieces of information, of maybe summarising what's happened so far in a bunch of the games, or finding some way to make something else new that combines some of the new stuff with the old, so that no one needs to look at the older stuff.
I think with the current projects I have, I think once they're finished, maybe that's about two thirds of the full story to tell, I'm not sure, because some parts of the story are still evolving in my mind. But I have clearly made the mistake of taking on too many projects, and, well, Poppytail 5 has literally been in the works since late 2017. Something clearly needs to be done about that. If anyone's still interested (or if anyone was interested in the first place), do you have any ideas for what I could do maybe?