Thank you Rob. Didn't work, but thank you. I currently have four sprites for experimenting with lights.
my 'base' sprite which is black with a transparent circle in the middle, 'black' which is a black circle on white, 'shadow' which is a black circle on transparent, and 'white', which is a white circle on black.
Currently the black circle on white, with layer blending set to 'multiply' acts as a 'shadow' for the given layer, as long as I have no layer fill.
Layer filling now is implemented as some commands in the scene .draw event. I set the fill color to 'black', set draw layer to layer 1, and then fill a square the size of the screen, which is a terrible way of doing it, but I'm just working out the kinks anyway.
Lights are implemented as actors, and the animations are what are supposed to act as the template for the cut out.
I'm currently on flash and using openfl legacy.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I appreciate your advice.