Congrats on the release!
You did a nice job on the art. It's got a nice style, and the different backgrounds are interesting.
A big issue I have with the game is that most of my deaths are because of accidental inputs. I'll often mean to tap to swing my hammer, but the game will interpret my tap as a swipe downward, probably because my finger moved down a small amount as I tapped. I think it would be good to require the player to move their finger a minimum distance before you register it as a swipe input.
I also feel like there's no immediate feedback for when I tap and trigger the hammer swing, so the hammer mechanic feels rather disconnected from my input. The only feedback I notice is when the hammer's made contact with the ground, and I'm not sure if there's any feedback for when the hammer swing starts. Maybe you're delaying the hammer swing so you can allow time for a swipe input, and this is a consequence of that. It has a big adverse effect on my ability to time my swings.
I hope this feedback was helpful!