Error: This Platform Requires OGG sounds.


  • Posts: 32
When I tried to test my game on the Android platform, the following error appeared: "Error: This Platform Requires OGG sounds.  Import your sounds as OGGs. The problematic sound will now open up."  After clicking ok, a new window was opened.

The errors is on images. Somebody can help me?  I need test my game on Android platform!

P.S: my cell phone was connected via USB on the computer to serve as game emulator as it is needed.


  • Posts: 2262
If you're exporting to mobile you need to provide your sound files as .ogg

MP3's are for flash.


  • Posts: 32
Really? My game need a song to be exported? And if it doesn't have?


  • Posts: 1141
According to Stencylpedia, MP3s only work on Flash and to use OGGs for everything else.
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  • Posts: 3
Greetings all. Having this same error in 2024.

Attempting to export game/scene to HTML5.
Receive error: ("Import your sounds as Oggs. The problematic sound will now open up")

I removed ALL MP3 sounds from game > Export successful (for one or two exports).
Upon further editing (no new sounds added) I attempt to export game/scene to HTML5 and receive INVERSE error:
("Import your sounds as MP3s. The problematic sound will now open up")

I removed ALL OGGs sounds from game and add MP3s only. I am able to export successful (for one or two tries). Then the error returns again.  Please help.  This error is rendering the program unusable.

Thank you in advanced for your time!