start up


  • Posts: 3
I have just purchased 20 licenses for my students.  What are the steps to get them started?   Do they each need there own account sign in. 


  • Posts: 1141
When Stencyl starts up, it should ask you to log in (which you don’t have to if you don’t want to), but I’m pretty sure there’s some sort of link when this happens that allows you to create an account. You can also do this from this site.
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Poppytail 5 and Pixeltail: Fifth and sixth main instalments in Poppytail series. A Game About Trimming Hedges: Final Version: An updated version of the original AGATH. One Million: Last-one-standing style small project. The Poppytales: Platformer boss rush with character collecting. Skies n' Fall: Boss rush shooter prequel to Rise n' Brawl. Precious: Weird platformer. Christmas Time 2: Sequel to Christmas Time 1.


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
I asked Jon about it. He said that it is a single shared license. The students should not need individual accounts. I believe you can just input the same username/password on all of the machines.


  • Posts: 3
thx I will try that.