Yeah I also wonder about Jon, this company structure for sure it's not a conventional one (I also found shocking to hear that there was no mac or ios device to test stencyl functionalities in the past).
I'm happy to hear about rob1221 on board, but I think there's still a lack of roles, i.e marketing, even if the product is still being developed the lack of info outside this forum or discord is worrying, as a potential user I would check the site and not feel confident at all about stencyl, and for existing users the lack of general activity makes you think twice every year before renewing.
It's a shame because the core product is fantastic, I think it can't reach the full potential because the obvious lack of staff, I also think Justin is doing a great job.
Since stencyl is the software I most use every day and I also enjoy the most, my wishlist:
- more staff to take care of existing version (the public available version should work under current OS environments always)
- clearer roadmap of new features (available in nightly builds)
- more hype/excitement for new & existing users
- way more mobile integration (supported officially)... solution for rewarded ads, analytics, facebook logins etc
- a bit more info like an "about us" section on the site would be appreciate too
Can't wait to see the current bottleneck gone and start seeing new features and activity around stencyl