Platformer Starter Kit - Last day on SALE!


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  • Posts: 2263

To celebrate the release of my Platformer Starter Kit, it will be on sale during the entire next week, ending next Sunday the 22th of July! This will grant you a 58% discount on all tiers of this kit!

« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 09:25:10 am by TheIndieStation »


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  • Posts: 1401
Just bought it for my son!
Thanks so much!


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  • Posts: 2263
Glad i could help! Please let me know if he was able to set it up with the provided Read Me file =)


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  • Posts: 1401
I really like the kit!
My son started working on his first game last night ;)
I actually didnt notice the read me and could set it up without but i think the readme is great.

Some feedback:
Keep up the good work!


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  • Posts: 2263
Ah yes, i changed that link on my website. Thanks for the headsup!
Ill add it to the next update. The reason I didn't do so was because the position of the player could be anywhere. What do you think a out spawning the player on the checkpoint flag, with a set offset? (Negative offset would spawn the player left, positive would spawn the player right of the checkpoint)


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  • Posts: 2807
My suggestion for the checkpoint thing: set the saved position as the base (Y position + height of checkpoint) of the checkpoint. If you also store the height of the player actor or find a way to automatically get it, you can respawn it without the player being inside the ground. I use this method when accounting for actors of different sizes.
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


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  • Posts: 2263
Yeah that was the plan. Most of the intractable in this kit work from the bottom position anyway.


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  • Posts: 1401
Recomendation for a more expensive kit.
  • Enemy behaviour (walking, firing)
  • Health bar for player
  • Let player fire at enemies
  • collectbales (coins, health)


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  • Posts: 2263
That will be in other kits I am developing that work with this one =)
I am currently in the development of multiple behaviours that will not only work with each other without any problems, but also makes it easy to expand on by users themselves.


  • Posts: 379
It only took about 4 years for someone to start doing this, this is why I became interested in stencyl. Please make good ones.


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  • Posts: 2263
I started doing tutorials 4 years ago, but I thought why not take away the struggle and just put up a quality product instead haha. You can definitely expect more!