Deep Space


  • Posts: 37
v.001 (23/10/2018)
- Main Menu scene fully functional. Credits scene fully functional.
- Player ship movement, health, and weapons all fully functional.
- Starting scene dialogue mostly functional; can't figure out how to set up random typing sounds for Passive Ship dialogue.
- Issues with spawning player's ship in top-down space environment when starting new game; scene won't change.
- Player Character sprite created for sidescrolling environments (planet surfaces, on-board the ship)
Hiss hiss


  • Posts: 37
v.002 (24/10/18)
- Attempted to fix new game's random player spawn location. Still won't work. Unsure as to what I'm doing wrong.

- Created a custom airlock for the Player Ship.
Hiss hiss


  • Posts: 37
v.003 (25/10/18)

- Attempted to use "new game" as a game attribute instead of a regular attribute.
Successful. Now, whenever starting a new game, the player spawns in a random position on the map.
- Replaced placeholder alien font with custom alien font.
- Began creating save game/load game mechanics.
Hiss hiss


  • *
  • Posts: 1401
Looks interesting!
Do you want to share what the game is about?
What the player does and what the goal is?


  • Posts: 37
v.003 (19/12/18)

- Cancelled due to a loss of EVERY SINGLE FILE.

I may come back and try my hand at this again at a later time, when I am not only more experienced with Stencyl but when I have the money to buy Stencyl pro.
Hiss hiss


  • Posts: 1141
You didn’t make any back-ups or anything?
Upcoming Projects
Poppytail 5 and Pixeltail: Fifth and sixth main instalments in Poppytail series. A Game About Trimming Hedges: Final Version: An updated version of the original AGATH. One Million: Last-one-standing style small project. The Poppytales: Platformer boss rush with character collecting. Skies n' Fall: Boss rush shooter prequel to Rise n' Brawl. Precious: Weird platformer. Christmas Time 2: Sequel to Christmas Time 1.


  • Posts: 37
You didn’t make any back-ups or anything?
Unfortunately, no.
Not to worry, however, because I have plans for a new game already!
Hiss hiss