[HELP] Data Structures > Dialog System > Style (not working properly)


  • Posts: 1
so I followed the tutorial on YouTube by TheIndieStation up until "Dialog extension beginner guide part 3 [stencyl]".
Everything worked just fine, but then the "Style"-Part came up (26:10).
In the video, there are 5 categories to choose from but all i can see is "Extensions" and "Draw Order" (which is shown in the last category in the video).
Did i forget to install some necessary assets?
I'm using Build 10240.
I attached a screenshot showing the problem (if it worked).
Thanks for any help in advance!


  • Posts: 1
not sure if you've already found an answer but I actually had the same confusion before, turns out the Style structure had been updated and you have to create a new structure for each of the categories

I'm not good at explanations but there's a similar question post that's already been answered and explained by Justin himself! http://community.stencyl.com/index.php?topic=58171.0