A Foresty Game


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  • Posts: 2807
I recommend doing a bit of research into hue shifting.
My Stencyl resources are available here: https://luyren.itch.io/
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 239
I recommend doing a bit of research into hue shifting.
Ah yes, that makes sense. I suppose darker/brighter of a single colour is a bit flat. It probably didn't help that I actually had no colour; all the rock colours were shades of grey.

It now gradients from a dark pale red to a less dark pale yellow-orange. It looks a bit better, but it could still use some work. What do you all think?

I'm not too great at drawing/shading random, natural shapes (like rocks); I'm better at stuff like the lantern post and workbench. But I do quite like experimenting with new stuff like this, especially when I can't find satisfactory placeholder sprites from online.

I may want to redo the grass at some point. Only problem with that is that it means editing a bunch of tiles, but I'll get around to it eventually. There are about 62 tiles with grass edges in them (water and dirt) as well as 3-5 different grass tiles altogether. In fact, I'll probably just end up making my own tileset. Not sure if I'll keep the dirt or not. While my own art may not look as good as the placeholder sprites, I feel it's better to have my own art there instead. Except for the grass, which I really don't like.
Anyhoof, making the new tileset will take a while so I'll leave it alone for now.


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  • Posts: 2807
I'm not too great at drawing/shading random, natural shapes (like rocks); I'm better at stuff like the lantern post and workbench. But I do quite like experimenting with new stuff like this, especially when I can't find satisfactory placeholder sprites from online.
I saved this quite some time ago, can't remember the source. It is a tileset tutorial, but could give you some pointers on how to do rocks, and you might even be able to extrapolate based on this.

Edit: stopped being lazy, did a quick research and found the source: https://www.artstation.com/aamatniekss

My Stencyl resources are available here: https://luyren.itch.io/
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 239
Ooh. I can see some things from this that I'm doing wrong with the shading.  And if I ever do groups of rocks, I'll come back to this again. Thanks for that!


  • Posts: 239
Hey, this one's called remember how I kept talking about adding farming- well I didn't add it yet but here's an update anyway

I'm going to release this update before I add farming. You can play it here.
Code: [Select]
2.1.0: November 25 2019
-Increased map size.

-Reduced player speed.

-Increased player inventory to 30 slots.

-Added lanterns and lantern posts. Lanterns give off light when held. Press R to rotate lantern posts before placing.

-Revamped the day/night cycle: The colours are new and the transitions are improved.

-Switched shift-click and click in controls.

-Added in useable items; however, none are currently obtainable.

-Added plants: clovers and wildgrass. Clovers are pickable, while wildgrass needs a scythe to cut. Neither have any use yet.

-Added stone scythe for cutting down wildgrass.

-Normal grass now regrows over dirt.

-Added fences.

-Changed cursor; when holding a placeable item, a preview of that item is shown. Normal cursor only visible when holding shift to use tools.

-Added pinecones, with which you can replant trees.

-Fixed lots of bugs, probably creating more in the process.

-Probably a few other things that I forgot to mention. I should really start keeping notes of what I add.

Go ahead and try it out! And feel free to give feedback, whether it be positive or negative. I'm sure there are problems that slipped past me that you guys might notice.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 08:42:32 am by Fayabella »


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  • Posts: 2807
Looking good!

I didn't have time to play it more in-depth, but one thing that bothered me a bit was switching from WASD to the arrow keys when controling the menu. Just something to keep in mind for the future.
My Stencyl resources are available here: https://luyren.itch.io/
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 239
Looking good!

I didn't have time to play it more in-depth, but one thing that bothered me a bit was switching from WASD to the arrow keys when controling the menu. Just something to keep in mind for the future.
Ah, alright. Thanks!

I suppose my controls right now in general are a little confusing; you have to use the up/down arrow keys to cycle the hotbar and the left/right to cycle tools. I'm not sure what to change that to, but I can perhaps change the menu to WASD.
If there was a way to detect mouse scroll on Flash, I would do that for the hotbar (and shift-scroll for tools). I remember experimenting with this before, but it was inefficient and imprecise.

I'll switch the menus to WASD. Thanks!


  • Posts: 239
I decided to make it so that you can use either arrow keys or WASD in the menus by making new controls with multiple keys, but I'm having problems.

Each of the controls are like this: menuUp has both the Up key and the W key, menuLeft has left key and A, etc.

However, when I load the game, I can't move left using A, and I can only use A in the menus, while W, S and D don't work. I suppose the controls might be conflicting in some way, so I'll have to just go with WASD for now.


  • Posts: 239
There must be some other problem; WASD has the same issues.


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  • Posts: 9473
At some point the controls code for Stencyl was changed and it no longer supports multiple controls having the same key.  I'm not sure if that's the problem you're having though.

If there was a way to detect mouse scroll on Flash, I would do that for the hotbar (and shift-scroll for tools).
Have you seen this extension yet? http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,31772.0.html


  • Posts: 239
At some point the controls code for Stencyl was changed and it no longer supports multiple controls having the same key.  I'm not sure if that's the problem you're having though.
Oh, that's probably it. I have WASD as well as the WASD/arrows controls, so those must be conflicting.

Have you seen this extension yet? http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,31772.0.html
Actually, yes! I forgot about that. I tried using it a long time ago for the scroll wheel, but I did it very inefficiently and badly, and so I decided not to. I'll have to look back into that.


  • Posts: 239
Whoops, it's been a while. I've sort of been busy with other projects. When I get back to working on this, I'll probably start by working on the land tilesets (and making my own tiles). Right now, my grass/water/dirt tiles are spread randomly across 2 or 3 tilesets, and it's very inconvenient and messy, haha. Also, it would be great to have my own art. The current tiles are somewhat painful to look at, in my opinion.

Unrelatedly, this project is now over a year old!


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  • Posts: 1400
Unrelatedly, this project is now over a year old!

Congratulations for sticking with it :)


  • Posts: 239
Unrelatedly, this project is now over a year old!

Congratulations for sticking with it :)
*immediately disappears for over a month*

Temporary death aside, I'm back. And since I forgot what I was working on before I died, I've decided to work on something new: large objects. These would be objects that take up more than one tile physically (some take up more than one visually already, like trees, but that has no effect on whether one can place things next to it or not). For example, a house (still have to rewrite the level loading behaviour if I want to do that), or a big table. or a long bench.

I already have an idea of how to do this, so I'll get to working on it when I'm less busy.  :D

Edit: oh, I could have just read my last few posts to see what I was planning. well, too late now, I've planned big objects and I'm going to do that first


  • Posts: 239
I accidentally left my game running overnight, but when I came back there were no performance issues. At least I know now that there aren't any problems with memory being eaten up over time or something (I was worried that a few things that might cause that).

Additionally, I've written out the pseudocode for the objects larger than 1x1. Generally with more complicated pieces of functionality, I write out what should happen before I actually code it. For example, when adding the mines, I came up with this equation:

where A is the final amount of an ore given to the player when the mine is clicked,
v is the maximum amount of that ore that can be mined in one click,
x is the Perlin noise multiplier (between 0-255) from the perlin noise map generated for that type of ore,
y is the current depth the mine has mined to,
z is the minimum depth that the ore can be found,
w is the max depth that the ore can be found,
and b is an integer that is either 0 or 1.

(I named the variables randomly; the letters have no correlation to their meaning).

I basically wrote this out then solved a few problems by plugging in different numbers each time and seeing if this idea was balanced. Which, for the most part, it is; however, I might want to make the Perlin Noise maps sharper so that some ores can't even be found at all in some places. After I tested it mathematically, I then put it into Stencyl code (with a few of the variables rearranged):

This part of the code doesn't have the ±b, but it's still in the code before it returns this value.

Anyways, this is how I usually start with tackling large problems- just writing it out.