2nd Project Innocence: Insurgence of Forgotten Fairies is the sequel to 1st Project Innocence: Shadows Over Yumekyo. Since developing 1st Project Innocence, I've started taking a drawing course, which has improved the art quality immensely. Previously, I had just been doing art based on what I had taught myself, and it didn't really come out well.
So far, I haven't really been focusing on developing any one thing. I've basically been revamping everything that 1stPI had, and making it better. I've been using a bunch of tweens to make the game have that completed game feel. I've made a much nicer HUD, which also shows some of the extra mechanics I've put into the game. This screenshot also shows some of the drops I've programmed in, which were not in 1stPI. The drops score you extra points the higher up on the screen they are collected, which was surprisingly difficult to code. It's always the little things. You expect to be done it in half an hour, tops, and then you end up spending two or three hours polishing it to make it work.
The thing I'm probably the most proud of so far is the custom dialogue system. I decided to make my own dialogue system, because I wanted to have multiple people being shown at once, which the Dialog Extension just can't do. I ended up making it as a sort of offshoot of Flargy-Filler/fillergames' dialogue system: using a seperator to differentiate between commands and actual dialog. The below screenshot uses:
Kiyoko\Happy\Whoa, this game looks way better\than the last one already!
Which looks like this:
Kiyoko is the character portrait that gets put up. Happy is the animation that gets chosen. Everything afterwards is just the dialogue. The \ in the middle of the dialogue triggers a line break, but for simplicity, and my sanity, I only support one line break, and then I have to advance text to see the rest of a sentence. Eventually I'll implement an event system, such as:
EVENT being the trigger to let the game know that this isn't dialogue, and no portrait should be changed. PlayBossMusic is the custom event that gets triggered in-scene. 0.1 is how long until the next dialogue comes up. Overall, I think this setup is pretty flexible, and even in some ways superior to the Dialog Extension (no offense, Justin and Cory).
The next thing I'll work on (besides art) will probably be getting shooting working. I've got a very different idea for the shooting in this game compared to 1stPI, but it might turn out to be a pain to code...