Image blend modes not working on Windows build


  • Posts: 19
Hi all.  It appears as if blending modes for images aren't working.  I'm using the Perlin Noise extension to fill an image (TrashMaskImage), copying that image to another image (WorkingImage) and then drawing WorkingImage onto TrashMaskImage using hardlight 10 times to pump up the contrast.  In the attached image, you can see it working as intended on the left (flash) and not working on the right (windows).  I can confirm that the image on the right is just the pure perlin noise (minus some parts cut out... this happens earlier in my little routine). 

Is this a stencyl 4.0 issue?  Has it always been like this?  Am I doing something wrong or not using a best practice?  Many thanks if you can provide some advice or direction!
Chickadee Games :


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  • Posts: 9473
The supported blend modes for all platforms are add, subtract, multiply, and screen.  Desktop also supports darken and lighten, although darken didn't look right in my testing.  All other blend modes are Flash-only.


  • Posts: 19
Ahhhhh, ok!  Thanks for the prompt reply!

Edit: Spoke to soon!  There's still something up, I think.  In the attached image, you'll see the results of a test.  In this test, WorkingImage and TrashMaskImage are the same perlin noise image.  In flash (on the left), things are working as I expected; I'm blending them using multiply and the dark parts are getting darker.  In windows (on the right), nothing is changing.  This is the unedited perlin noise texture... it looks exactly the same if I disable the multiply block.  So, what am I missing?  Do the various supported blend types actually work different on different platforms?  Do they intentionally produce different results?  Many thanks for any additional insight anyone can provide!

« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 08:31:35 am by AdamJ »
Chickadee Games :


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  • Posts: 9473
It looks like that particular block doesn't apply blend modes outside of Flash.  There is an issue on OpenFL's github relating to this, but it's marked as completed although there's no commit referenced.