Actor dies when timer runs out.


  • Posts: 32
Hello, I have been working in stencil for about a month now. I love the program and the game is coming along, and shows a lot of promise. I have I few questions that I hope someone can help me with. I’ve been reading the forum and have learned a lot. I’ve been dissecting kits and learning ton of new tricks. Here is my question.

I have a timer running at the top of the screen. When the timer reaches 0 I want the character to die. What would be the easiest why to achieve this?

Thanks for any one who can help me out!


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Well killing an actor is done by the kill block.  I guess what you're asking is how to tell the actor to die from a scene behavior.  If the actor is already placed in the scene editor (which it probably is for a player actor), you can make an actor attribute and select the actor in the scene properties for that behavior.


  • Posts: 128
I needed the exact same thing a while ago. I do believe I got this from the forge. See attachment.


  • Posts: 32
Thanks guys for the fast response. I'm trying it out right now.


  • Posts: 32
wohoo worked like a charm. I added Fade in and out and looks great.