Steel Seraph updated to 1.11.0 on Windows, Linux and Mac (as of Sept 1)


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Added the entire Hyperspace Beacon ground stage, complete with the air EX bosses, the enemy-summoning "Amon" midbosses, the Zarathustra final boss fight, and the escape from the beacon.

Adjusted part of Spaceport Alpha to solve an issue with landing on the southeastern side of it and ending up in a mountain, if the player is at the bottom of the screen when they land, as well as general air to ground/vice versa transitions.

Added more metal shards to 2-F air (Spaceport Alpha approach) to minimize dead air.

Added a "Death Claw" pickup in Entreprises Fauconvert 1F, in case the player forgets to pick it up after defeating Pandora.

Fixed visual bugs involving absent portraits on some conversations, particularly in acts 3 and 4.

Fixed a bug in 2-D that caused framerate drops when Vucub's orb damaged the quarantine room in 4F of the Angel of Mercy hospital

Fixed a region bug that caused some zoning regions (ones that prompt you to zone by holding the fire button) to be misaligned, leading to 'blind' spots where the prompt didn't show up despite being in the region to zone.

Improved most of the bullets in the game, courtesy of @Wht_Dragon (Twitter handle)

« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 06:55:07 am by deepshock »


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  • Posts: 1401
played only for a few minutes and liked it. there is a bit much text and tutorial interruptions for my taste. i would cut some of them to get player faster into the action.



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Thanks for your response. Glad you liked what you played.

The tutorial bits were added on player feedback, but I can potentially allow a game option which has the tutorial on by default, but able to be turned off. It'd fit well with the game options being something you see before the title screen. The "off" option would have us already on the ground after battling Kirin, with the Spread Gun being in the inventory right away.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 01:28:34 pm by deepshock »


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  • Posts: 1401
That might be a good idea because there are palyers like me who know these types of games and just want to get it. I will play more in the next days.


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When you get back at it (that goes for anyone else too), let me know if the CTRL key is working for you to bring you to the map. If not, that's the next thing I have to sort out. It might be an issue with the new version. Thanks in advance.


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  • Posts: 1401
No its not. Also i dont see my character in the main boss stage on the white background.


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Thank you. I'm getting on that now and I'll have one last updated beta build coming Saturday, 2 weeks before the Early Access release. I'll have that sorted out before long.


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Final beta is up. The next build will be the early access launch one. I'll make sure it's as ready for that as possible in the 12 days remaining.

I'm also targeting Discord, Epic and Steam with the main build, and have started with all of them.  The game on Epic will be far later coming (since they mentioned that their Q1 and Q2 list of games is almost complete and it'll be a while before I get any new info from them.)

« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 06:32:16 pm by deepshock »


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...And here it is. It's not yet ready for Steam or Discord (and Epic will, again, require a few more months to even be able to vet it), but it's on itch and GJ right now.
The price is $4 Canadian and will stay that way unless it's part of a sale.


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  • Posts: 1401
Please let us know how it performs.


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Even in its earliest sale state it's getting SOME bites: 3 sales on steam and 2 on itch. It sounds REALLY slow, but hey, early access gonna early access. I think the closer the game gets to completion, the more confidence I'll earn from potential players in the process, and it IS something I'll have to earn, possibly over months.

Here are my Steam and Discord links.


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The latest the next update will be is in late October. The reason for this is that I plan to make major improvements on this game in gameplay, visuals and (in some cases) music.

Seraphine and her weapons will move approximately 33% faster

I plan to have destructible rubble in some areas that can be taken down with any weapon.

Signposting will be improved in areas where it was found to be unclear. For example, at the start I intend to close off areas like the second and third floor of Fauconvert before Seraphine has taken out the Golem in District 13 (unless there are any objections to the idea.)

The Hera City theme will have a different instrument for its main melody, one that's a bit smoother.

Whole-scale war on bugs, even the most latent, hard to find ones there are. THE GAME WILL NOT BE UPDATED UNTIL THE BLACK BOX BUG (Triggers in rare cases when the player calls the map) IS CONFIRMED SQUASHED.

A continued call to streamers and reviewers who are interested in indie/early access/games from untested developers.

Thank you for your patience.


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Some people I know did some vids on the game, which revealed some things I need to work on and will have worked on by the end of the month. I'm pretty far along.


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Windows now updated to 1.6.0. Linux and Mac changes to follow.

November 1 (1.6.0) Changes:

Act 4 prologue added (briefing before going into any stages.)

Demeter Battle changes

-Persephone health nerfed from 1000 to 500, speed nerfed from 20 to 15.

-Spore pods face the player and fire 3, rather than 5, bullets per second. They can fire from off screen, but the bullets are slow enough to dodge.

-Spore pod clouds form on spore pod death. If the spore pod times out rather than being destroyed by Seraphine, the post-death cloud radius doubles.

-Gas collision damage nerfed from 400 to 100 (10/24)

-Air mouse movement speed now matches regular air speed. (10/26)

Windigo changes

-Changed how the pre-Windigo scene works (interlude cooldown instead of page advances)

-Instead of immunity, half damage on weapons used too often

-Minimized animation timing inconsistencies both before and during battle.

Nymph changes

-Nerfed Kirin bullet speed (50 --> 30) (10/26)

-Disable mouse and halt mouse movement when the mouse is not onscreen (10/26)

-Allow both d-pad AND joystick movement in all stages. (10/26)

Minotaur arrows now clear on defeat.

-Nerfed Nymph health from 15k to 10k

-Nerfed Pragmatichorisis enthrallment hazard slightly (15% less when Seraphine has 0 shields)

-Psychikravgi telegraph moves around while charging, shakes screen and turns white when it activates.

-Nymph 80%+ enthrallment sound distortions now take the form of 10 different 'wrong' sounds.


-Seraphine and her weapons will move approximately 33% faster

-Signposting improved in areas where it was found to be unclear. For example, at the start Seraphine is warned to rescue the engineers if she attempts to enter the second floor of Fauconvert before she has taken out the Golem in District 13 .

-The Hera City theme has a different instrument for its main melody, one that's a bit smoother.

- Use Right Stick- On by default instead of off. (10/26)

-Gamepad is now stable, and bugs related to sticks, buttons as well as inputs have been fixed.

-Shutendoji is defaulted to left facing.

-Prevented entry into other areas during Doji fight. Lengthened the long form dialogue box significantly.

-'Black box' glitch eradicated in areas where found.

-Made it so that in menus that allow for it, the down face button (A on Xbox, X on PS) is confirm, and the right face button (B on xbox, O on PS) is cancel. Fix quick key config, for the interface and to make sure confirming makes everything work. CJ-Bat is now 40/120/360 damage per swing. In addition, swinging the bat holds Seraphine in place for a half second. Changed how mid-conversation scene changes work, slightly (The moment the time scale becomes 1 again, it triggers. Formerly, they was based on page advance button presses.)

Gauges for ammunition and crisis trigger duration (when active for Awareness, Mercy, Patience) are more visible.

Eliminated a narrow area in the east part of D-12.

Removed 'mid-game zoom', as it caused problems with visibility and refuses to work with Linux.

In most cases, especially on ground, enemy bullet speed has been capped at 30 unless heavily telegraphed.

Forced a .5 second message timer cooldown after getting equipment.

Added a zoning cooldown of 1 second that requires you not to fire in order to tick down, before entering a new area. Also, require a button press (clearly marked) to enter an area.

Maintained speed while strafing on the ground.