Zombieee game - android/flash game


  • Posts: 223
Hey. I will be posting updates and progress on my game project. Feel free to comment and give any feedback.

use buttons on screen to navigate

ver 0.004
-new system of buttons, platforms and blocks
-fixed enemy collision shapes and behaviour
-5 new levels
-small fixes and improvements
[8 levels available]

ver 0.003
small update with minor improvements and visual changes
-email watermark appears in every scene
-version info added to right down corner
-"world" text in stage select
-MENU option with option to erase data
-added world 2
-fixed bugs and improvements
[only 3 levels available]

ver 0.002
-now available 3 levels
-added elevator system
-pressing [enter] in stage select menu resets game progress

ver 0.001

« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 12:35:12 pm by corbanwolf »


  • Posts: 2262
It looks great, and it was really easy to pick up. The player and lift movement might be a  little slow, particularly if levels get larger. perhaps you could have high scores for using the fewest number of presses?

I'm interested to see what enemies/traps/puzzles you add.


  • Posts: 223
Yea, There was a counter of number of presses, but I decided to remove it because for collection of all bones you need more presses and there would be two scores "number of collected bones" and "number of steps" and two of them would interfere, you would have worse score if you decide to focus on the other one. Or I could add 2 options to run a stage
option 1: collecting bones, option 2: fewer steps to finish a stage


  • Posts: 223
ver 0.002

-now available 3 levels
-added elevator system
-pressing [enter] in stage select menu resets game progress

« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 08:59:31 am by corbanwolf »


  • Posts: 223
ver 0.003

small update with minor improvements and visual changes
-email watermark appears in every scene
-version info added to right down corner
-"world" text in stage select
-MENU option with option to erase data
-added world 2
-fixed bugs and improvements
[only 3 levels available]


  • Posts: 223
ver 0.004

-new system of buttons, platforms and blocks
-fixed enemy collision shapes and behaviour
-5 new levels (8 levels available in total)
-small fixes and improvements