LOSIN' IT!!! Part 1- a new action-adventure game for Android


  • Posts: 83

Embark on an action-filled adventure that is truly INSANE!  "Is this really happening?  Or am I LOSIN' IT!!!???"  It started as a normal day for a normal guy shopping in a grocery store.  But things took a bad turn and now Ed finds himself trapped in a nightmare world of enemies, secrets, and weird gross stuff.  Playing as Ed, you will have to avoid dangers, unlock weapons and abilities, fight zombies and other creatures, explore strange places, solve puzzles, and uncover a shocking conspiracy to discover the truth and escape from whatever this grocery store has become.

This game uses a simple, ergonomic one-touch control scheme.  Just tap the screen anywhere to change direction (it's basically a one-button game).  NO VIRTUAL CONTROLS!  Contains crude humor, mild cartoon violence, and some potentially disturbing images.

- Ergonomic one-touch control scheme
- A unique, innovative new twist on one-button gaming
- Explorey nonlinear gameplay
- Arcade action
- Mild puzzle solving
- Varied gameplay
- Only ads are "our other games" promos, there's just a couple
- An intriguing plot
- Can be played offline

Google Play download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yourcompany.gamename

Flash version: https://www.kongregate.com/games/j6860/losin-it-part-1

Website: http://www.jedwagames.com/

Trailer: https://youtu.be/pqxAuMun7io







  • Posts: 83
I expect that someone will ask "Is there an iOS version?"  For now, there isn't.  Apple charges $99 per year for a developer account.  This game does not have any monetization so it doesn't make sense to pay.  If part 1 is successful I plan to make part 2 and include ads and in-game purchases.  I will probably put both parts on iOS at that time.  But for now I need to stay within a  budget of zero.



  • Posts: 83
Forget what I said earlier about not making an iOS version.  It's up on iOS now as well as Android.

iOS version: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/losin-it-part-1/id1466022384


  • Posts: 83
I got an email saying someone replied but I don't see the reply here.  If anyone has replied to this post, I can't see the replies on this page for some reason.  I can only see my own posts.


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  • Posts: 4716
Sorry about that, there was some spam here and I deleted it.
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