How much programming knowledge should I have?


  • Posts: 19
I struggle with making behaviors work the way I want it to, and I often feel I spend a lot of time working on a behavior that others could just whip right through. So, I was thinking about reading one or two game programming books before I resume Stency? Do you think this would help?


  • Posts: 271

All you need to do is to keep on trying.

First of all don't start writing behaviors.
Start by making small modifications on existing behaviors.
Step by step you make bigger modifications.
Then you can start by making small behaviors that have a few lines.
After a while you become pro dude....... 8)

Forget those books...... :D


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  • Posts: 494
Don't read books. Ask for help. If you need help with unlockable levels or something like that, either go to the chat (, which isn't for asking questions, but many people do, and we usually answer (I do, at least), or ask a question in this forum, in "Ask a Question".

EDIT: You could also try starting out in a program called Scratch, which is like Stencyl, making a game with blocks (That's where the idea comes from), but it's much easier. You could use that for learning, but with blocks it's harder here and there you can't make flash games, only upload them to their site. (
Johnny Turbo's Surgery Frenzy


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  • Posts: 1268
Another way is to open up some of sample stencyl game behavior and study and play with them. Do some trial and error with them. Always start small and think simple and baby step as you gain experience.


  • Posts: 430
As someone said earlier, books don't help. People do. Don't be shy to ask questions so you get a better feel for the program. If I were you I'd watch some of SunRiseKingdom's tutorials. But then again, when I watched them there were a hell lot less


  • Posts: 1059
Stencyl teaches programming concepts very well. Learn from it. It'll take time, but you will get it. Don't shy away from asking questions.
Hail The Llama
"Play the games" ~ The Grand Llama

It's my life goal to rickroll as many people as possible


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  • Posts: 9473
If you want to read something, read the Stencyl documentation.  You can also check out tutorials on Stencyl TV --  I have little programming experience (two college classes I barely remember), and I've made three games so far.  There are others who have also made games without programming experience.


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  • Posts: 3127
All you need to do is to keep on trying.

First of all don't start writing behaviors.
Start by making small modifications on existing behaviors.
Step by step you make bigger modifications.
Then you can start by making small behaviors that have a few lines.
After a while you become pro dude....... 8)
I guess this sums it up.

Some of our Beta testers started out with no programming knowledge at all and are now making their own behaviors, with little help from "programmers" (if any).

I think beginners have trouble exposing a problem in a clear and logical way. They need to change the way they think about a particular problem. Looking at behaviors and increasing modifications are an excellent tool to overcome the initial friction.

You SHOULD read books about programming after you're comfortable with Design Mode behaviors and want to use Code Mode.
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 32
I started using stencyl with no programming knowledge. I started with the kits modifying code. Next i started trying to make my own simple 2-3 lines then 5 lines.

Some you'll have that moment when the attributes start to make a little sense. Then everyday you'll get a little more.

I'm waiting for the day when it all clicks and i can bust out my dream game.

It can be intimidating, Patience is the key.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 01:29:34 pm by ericblak1947 »


  • Posts: 438
A logical mind and some will is enough to do almost everything.

I found Stencyl the best approach to programmation since you don't need to know the code at all.
All you need is to be able to sit down and point out how would you explain to a really dumb person how to do what you want.
To do this at ease you should know what blocks do (i spent 3 months asking that) and make a lot of test.

Examples are very useful but not be afraid to ask.
Currently working at:
Starwarrior 2097(my main project)
How to make successful games in Kongregate and the world(article)


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  • Posts: 71
I also find it helpful to keep my goals SMALL and manageable.

For instance:

Reasonable goal: "I want to make it so that my character can't jump as high when he's standing on a magnetic region."

Not so reasonable goal: "I want to make artificial intelligence that can detect my velocity and use that information to take predictive shots toward where the player is GOING to be, rather than where the player is at the time of calculation!"

The second goal is an interesting and noble pursuit, but it's more important to make small successes and build confidence before tackling difficult concepts.


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  • Posts: 4643
To piggyback off of damijim's post, break bigger goals down into smaller tasks to help you work through the logic.

In his example, the goal is to "reduce jumping power of the player when standing on a magnetic region". For actually creating this behavior, break it down into the following tasks and build them one at a time to confirm each piece works before moving on. Each task can be broken down futher, all the way into individual instructions which translate directly into the blocks.

1. Create a working jump command for the player.
2. Make the jumping force a variable value.
3. Detect if the player is standing in a "magnetic region".
4. Reduce the value of that variable if 3 is true.
5. Reset the value of that variable if 3 is not true.
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1059
Know trigonometry.
Sadly, I don't know trig. Dammit.
Make small behaviors, learn from them, make slightly bigger ones. Rinse lather your wool, repeat. :)
Hail The Llama
"Play the games" ~ The Grand Llama

It's my life goal to rickroll as many people as possible


  • Posts: 438
I also find it helpful to keep my goals SMALL and manageable.

For instance:

Reasonable goal: "I want to make it so that my character can't jump as high when he's standing on a magnetic region."

Not so reasonable goal: "I want to make artificial intelligence that can detect my velocity and use that information to take predictive shots toward where the player is GOING to be, rather than where the player is at the time of calculation!"

The second goal is an interesting and noble pursuit, but it's more important to make small successes and build confidence before tackling difficult concepts.
<begin comment>Hey i can do the second goal!
just 'always' aim to the "X+cos(angle)*speed" and "Y+sin(angle)*speed" coords.(angle and speed of target).
However it's a 'perfect' AI, and would reduce player's advantage a lot(only advantage of the player is being smart; if you make him fight against a +2GhZ smart version of self...).</end comment>

It's important also to know yourself.
Me for example i'm quite good at math, humor, psychology.
I'd find rather hard to understand anything that require dirty code work, but i feel at ease with making funny concepts and unusual behaviours(my first behaviour was a 6 direction exagonal movement).
However I still don't understand pathfinding and flash syntax.(both in the 2012 wish-list!)
Choose first problems you like most and then ask.
Currently working at:
Starwarrior 2097(my main project)
How to make successful games in Kongregate and the world(article)


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  • Posts: 71