Mr Legs (working title), a rag doll platformer


  • Posts: 251
After around 3 months of constant struggle on an ever-changing project, I was getting to feel pretty burned out and stressed. I was bored the other day and looked at the joints extension (more specifically the ragdoll demo) and thought I'd give the ragdoll basic platformer movement. And hey it was pretty fun. I showed it to a couple of friends and they seemed to enjoy it but I'm not really sure if I want to continue to flesh out the game. If you'd be so kind as to give this a looksie and provide feedback it be really nice :).

Arrow keys to move
Z to jump (You can perform a jump on the side of a wall)


  • Posts: 239
Ooh, not bad! I think if you were to flesh it out, this would make for a pretty fun game, as well as a very unique type of platformer. Perhaps you could have to control each leg individually, or make it so they don't slide across the floor. I understand this is just the bare features, but I can see you adding moving platforms and all these things that would make the game more challenging, or perhaps like a puzzle, like trying to carry a box to the end of the level through obstacles.

If you think you can make it into a full-on platformer and/or puzzle game or whatever you're doing with this, go for it! I personally would love to see a ragdoll platformer game made with the Joints extension.


  • Posts: 251
Yeah I was thinking of having each leg controlled individually, if it becomes frustrating I’ll change back into the original controls (don’t want it to turn into a Bennet Foddy game lol).


  • Posts: 251
I tried controlling the two legs individually and it really doesn’t work so I don’t think I’ll be doing it


  • Posts: 251
Here is a rough draft of one of what will be one of the earlier stages in the game. It centers around these monkey bar platforms which only your feet can be on, meaning that most of the time a lot of your weight will be below you. I'm thinking of using them as secondary elements as the game progresses. Tell me what you think of the stage so far, is it too hard,  too easy, etc?  Thanks :).