Music not looping properly?


  • Posts: 10
The music in game does not loop properly. It does loop on audacity. Dunno if bug or something else.

Read a couple threads about the issue, but nothing of help with the issue. How do I et music to loop properly?


  • Posts: 1617
Show code? And explain what loop properly means to you.


  • Posts: 10
The code is literally just a scene with some music set on a loop. When scene is created loop music etc.

The issue is that a pause occurs in the loop itself. The music should flow nicely and the person listening to it should not hear the "pause" and say "hey the music looped :D"

When I test my music loop on audacity or playback programs-the temporary music pausing  does not happen. It loops properly. This problem only happens when testing the game.


  • Posts: 1617
Ah!  I use same program.. happens to me all the time. look at the file after its exported again in audacity.... see if there is a flat line in the frequency graph.. ie a  spot at the end of the track that goes flat before the end.. or flat at the beginning


  • Posts: 10
Is this mp3 and Flash?

Happens in HTML 5 and cppia testing.

Ah!  I use same program.. happens to me all the time. look at the file after its exported again in audacity.... see if there is a flat line in the frequency graph.. ie a  spot at the end of the track that goes flat before the end.. or flat at the beginning

I forgot to mention that I have tried this. The pause is still a thing. I export the file once it is properly looped. I opened the sound file on another program to check if it was properly looped after exporting the loop.

Still weird that it adds the fluff at the beginning if you reopen the file in audactity.


  • *
  • Posts: 2416
Does it always loop wrong or just sometimes?


  • Posts: 10
Does it always loop wrong or just sometimes?



  • Posts: 52
This started happening with the new build of stencyl, its cutting a tiny piece of the .ogg track which is making the loop not flow properly. I've got old builds of my games and the loop is perfect but if I open them games in the new stencyl and make a new build, the loop has been cut making a sort of pause then loop again.
if you have an old build of a game check it out, make a build in the new stencyl and see if it loops properly..
its obviously something on stencyls side, im sure they will fix it but it has become a bit annoying, don't know about flash i build in windows