Drunken Mile: lil infinite runner for iOS and Android


  • Posts: 8
I made my dream come true.

In August 2018 I decided to try my luck in the videogame industry... Turned out it's hard for someone who didn't know how to program or animate.

Dozen of job rejections, one decision to go work solo, hundreds of hours spent coding and animating later and lots and lots of mistakes later my first game is complete.

It's not the best game the world has ever seen, but it's an incredible achievement for me. I have learned so many things in the process.

If you have a dream, nothing is keeping you from achieving it. It's not easy. It's a constant battle with your doubts, your limitations, no time/money, people laughing at you and many more. Still, it's worth it, even if you fail. You're going to learn a lot in the process.

Game is called Drunken Mile, featuring a drunken guy chasing his current drunk idea ... eh ... dream of winning a running race against security guy on a full stadium.

Help him make the record before he gets busted!

Oh and .. give it a few stars or a review if you like it. ✌️

App Store:

Google Play:

Big thanks to all who helped me test the game. You are the best ❤️